#!/usr/bin/env perl # This is texloganalyser, for parsing of TeX logs # Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Thomas van Oudenhove # All rights reserved # README - important notice: # you should feed the first line with the path of your Perl executable # (on *nix systems, the output of 'which perl') # # (this program works at least with perl 5.8.8) # Getopt::Long MUST be installed on your system for this program to work # License: # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF # USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT # OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling"); my $version = "0.6"; my $copyright = "2006-2009"; my $opt = { help => '', version => '', h => '', o => '', u => '', v => '', p => '', f => '', w => '', e => '', i => '', s => '', r => '', t => '', }; GetOptions( 'help' => \$opt->{help}, 'version' => \$opt->{version}, 'h' => \$opt->{h}, 'o' => \$opt->{o}, 'u' => \$opt->{u}, 'v' => \$opt->{v}, 'p' => \$opt->{p}, 'f' => \$opt->{f}, 'w' => \$opt->{w}, 'e' => \$opt->{e}, 'i' => \$opt->{i}, 't' => \$opt->{t}, 's' => \$opt->{s}, 'r' => \$opt->{r}, ); my $abstract = { warnings => 0, }; my $texlog = $ARGV[-1]; die "Usage: $0 ".options()." <TeX log>\n" if (not defined $texlog and (not $opt->{help} and not $opt->{version})); if ($opt->{help}) { printhelp(); exit(); } if ($opt->{version}) { printversion(); exit(); } analyze(); sub analyze { my $line; my $output; my $test = 0; open my $source, "<", $texlog; while (defined ($line = <$source>)) { undef $output; # display summary and page numbers (default) summary($line); pagenumber($line); if ($opt->{e}) { if ($line =~ m/Here is how much/) { $test = 1; $output = "\n"; } $output .= $line if $test; } # look for boxes warnings if ($opt->{o} and $opt->{h}) { $output = $line if ($line =~ m/\\hbox/ and $line =~ m/Overfull/); } elsif ($opt->{u} and $opt->{h}) { $output = $line if ($line =~ m/\\hbox/ and $line =~ m/Underfull/); } elsif ($opt->{o} and $opt->{v}) { $output = $line if ($line =~ m/\\vbox/ and $line =~ m/Overfull/); } elsif ($opt->{u} and $opt->{v}) { $output = $line if ($line =~ m/\\vbox/ and $line =~ m/Underfull/); } elsif ($opt->{h} and $opt->{v}) { $output = $line if ($line =~ m/\\vbox/ or $line =~ m/\\hbox/); } elsif ($opt->{o} and $opt->{u}) { $output = $line if ($line =~ m/Underfull/ or $line =~ m/Overfull/); } elsif ($opt->{h}) { $output = $line if ($line =~ m/\\hbox/); } elsif ($opt->{v}) { $output = $line if ($line =~ m/\\vbox/); } elsif ($opt->{o}) { $output = $line if ($line =~ m/Overfull/); } elsif ($opt->{u}) { $output = $line if ($line =~ m/Underfull/); } # look for LaTeX Font Info if ($opt->{f}) { $output = $line if ($line =~ m/Font Info/); } # packages infos if ($opt->{p}) { $output = $line if ($line =~ m/Package/); } # references warnings if ($opt->{r}) { $output = $line if ($line =~ m/Reference/ or $line =~ m/Label(.*)/ and $1 =~ m/multiply defined/); } # TeX files used if ($opt->{t}) { scannedfiles($line, "tex"); } # sty and cls files used if ($opt->{s}) { scannedfiles($line, "sty"); scannedfiles($line, "cls"); } # images (pdf, ps, jpg, png) if ($opt->{i}) { foreach my $t ('pdf', 'eps', 'ps', 'png', 'jpg') { scannedfiles($line, $t); } } # display all warnings if ($opt->{w}) { $output = $line if ($line =~ m/Warning/); } print "$output" if defined $output; } print "\n"; print_abstract(); close $source; } sub pagenumber { my $logline = shift; if ($logline =~ m/.*(\[[0-9]+)/) { print $1."]"; } } sub scannedfiles { my ($logline, $filetype) = @_; if ($logline =~ m/^\((.*\.$filetype)/i) { print "(".$1.")"; } } sub summary { my $line = shift; # prints log summary () $abstract->{warnings} += 1 if ($line =~ m/Warning/); } sub options { my $stropts = "["; my $multopt = ''; foreach my $k (sort keys %{$opt}) { if ($k eq 'version') { $stropts .= "--version|"; } elsif ($k eq 'help') { $stropts .= "--help|"; } else { $multopt .= $k; } } $stropts .= '-'.$multopt.']'; return $stropts; } sub print_abstract { print "The log contained ".$abstract->{warnings}." warnings.\n"; } sub printversion { print "This is texloganalyser, version $version\n"; print "\t Copyright $copyright Thomas van Oudenhove\n"; } sub printhelp { printversion(); print "Usage: texloganalyser ".options()." <TeX log>\n"; print "\t Displays selective infos of LaTeX logs\n"; print "These flags may be used:\n"; print "\t e: displays the end of the log\n"; print "\t f: outputs the LaTeX Font Infos\n"; print "\t h: outputs only warnings about horizontal boxes\n"; print "\t i: displays 'images' (pdf, [e]ps, png, jpg) used\n"; print "\t o: outputs only warnings about overfull boxes\n"; print "\t p: outputs the LaTeX Packages infos\n"; print "\t r: displays warnings about references\n"; print "\t s: displays .sty and .cls files used\n"; print "\t t: displays .tex files used\n"; print "\t u: outputs only warnings about underfull boxes\n"; print "\t v: outputs only warnings about vertical boxes\n"; print "\t w: displays all Warnings\n"; print "You may want to have a look at `perldoc texloganalyser`.\n"; } __END__ =pod =head1 texloganalyser Documentation =head2 NAME texloganalyser -- displays selective infos from TeX log files =head2 SYNOPSIS texloganalyser [-efhioprstuvw] tex_log_file texloganalyser [--version] texloganalyser [--help] =head2 DESCRIPTION Various options may be used to select which information from the TeX log you want to see/analyze (see next section). The default is to display only page numbers (page numbers are B<always> displayed). =head2 OPTIONS =over 1 =item B<--version>: displays version information. =item B<--help>: displays help as a summary of options. =item B<-e>: displays the end of the log, about the TeX's memory. =item B<-f>: outputs the LaTeX Font Infos warnings and calculations. =item B<-h>: outputs only warnings about horizontal boxes. =item B<-i>: displays 'images' (pdf, [e]ps, png, jpg) used. =item B<-o>: outputs only warnings about overfull boxes. =item B<-p>: outputs the LaTeX Packages infos and warnings. =item B<-r>: displays warnings about references (missing or multiply-defined). =item B<-s>: displays .sty and .cls files used. =item B<-t>: displays .tex files used. This option is B<very> useful when you parse logs of master files, to know in which file to look to correct errors/warnings. =item B<-u>: outputs only warnings about underfull boxes. =item B<-v>: outputs only warnings about vertical boxes. =item B<-w>: displays all TeX, LaTeX and font Warnings. =back =head2 BUGS None yet identified. However, the display should be improved... =head2 HISTORY This program was first released in 2006. Its purpose was to display selective information of my PhD's TeX log. =head3 Changelog =over =item v0.6: default displays number of warnings (and page numbers). added option: references and label warnings =item v0.5: use of GetOpt::Long and code cleaning added options: display of files used improved documentation =item v0.4: added features and bugs corrections (options h, v, o and u) =item v0.3: display of Warnings and last lines of the log =item v0.2: display of "Font Info" and "Packages" added =item v0.1: first version, displays only warnings about boxes =back =head2 AUTHORS I<texloganalyser> is a program by Thomas van Oudenhove (L<vanouden@enstimac.fr>). Feel free to contact him for features requests or bugs. =cut