% Special font for the TeX and METAFONT manuals % This file was prepared "hastily" and hasn't been "polished". % In particular, some characters won't work when aspect_ratio<>1. font_size 10pt#; em#:=10pt#; ht#:=250/36pt#; mode_setup; font_identifier "MANFNT"; font_coding_scheme "PI"; message "Hex symbols"; width1#=.4pt#*(ht#/(100/36pt#)); width2#=.6pt#*(ht#/(100/36pt#)); define_blacker_pixels(width1,width2); beginchar(1,2ht#,ht#,0); "Original hex"; % \hexa pickup pencircle scaled width1; w:=2good.x .5w; x1=x4=good.x 0; x2=x5=.5w; x3=x6=good.x w; y1=y2=y3=good.y h; y4=y5=y6=good.y 0; draw z1..z6; draw z2..z5; draw z3..z4; for k=1 upto 6: drawdot z[k]; endfor labels (1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar; beginchar(2,2ht#,ht#,0); "Top/bot adjusted hex"; % \hexb pickup pencircle scaled width1; w:=2good.x .5w; x1=x4=good.x 0; x2=x5=.5w; x3=x6=good.x w; top y1=h; y1=y2=y3; bot y4=0; y4=y5=y6; draw z1..z6; draw z2..z5; draw z3..z4; for k=1 upto 6: drawdot z[k]; endfor labels (1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar; beginchar(3,2ht#,ht#,0); "Bold top/bot adjusted hex"; % \hexc pickup pencircle scaled width2; w:=2good.x .5w; x1=x4=good.x 0; x2=x5=.5w; x3=x6=good.x w; top y1=h; y1=y2=y3; bot y4=0; y4=y5=y6; draw z1..z6; draw z2..z5; draw z3..z4; for k=1 upto 6: drawdot z[k]; endfor labels (1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar; beginchar(4,2ht#,ht#,0); "Bold top/bot/lft/rt adjusted hex"; % \hexd pickup pencircle scaled width2; w:=2good.x .5w; lft x1=0; x1=x4; x2=x5=.5w; rt x3=w-1; x3=x6; top y1=h; y1=y2=y3; bot y4=0; y4=y5=y6; draw z1..z6; draw z2..z5; draw z3..z4; for k=1 upto 6: drawdot z[k]; endfor labels (1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar; beginchar(5,2ht#,ht#,0); "Hex corrected for darkness in the center"; % \hexe pickup pencircle scaled width1; w:=2good.x .5w; top z1=(0,h); top z2=(.5w,h); top z3=(w,h); bot z4=(0,0); bot z5=(.5w,0); bot z6=(w,0); for k=1 upto 6: drawdot z[k]; endfor z1'=.25[z1,z6]; z6'=.75[z1,z6]; theta1:=angle(z6-z1)+90; z3'=.25[z3,z4]; z4'=.75[z3,z4]; theta3:=angle(z4-z3)+90; z7=z8=.5[z1,z6]; penpos1'(width1,theta1); penpos6'(width1,theta1); penpos7(.6width1,theta1); penpos3'(width1,theta3); penpos4'(width1,theta3); penpos8(.6width1,theta3); draw z1..z1'; penstroke z1'e{z6'-z1'}..z7e..{z6'-z1'}z6'e; draw z6'..z6; draw z2..z5; draw z3..z3'; penstroke z3'e{z4'-z3'}..z8e..{z4'-z3'}z4'e; draw z4'..z4; penlabels(1,1',7,2,3,3',8,4,4',5,6,6'); endchar; message "Stick A's"; b#:=250/36pt#; a#:=150/36pt#; s#:=30/36pt#; standardwidth#:=.4pt#; darkwidth#:=.8pt#; lightwidth#:=.2pt#; define_blacker_pixels(standardwidth,darkwidth,lightwidth); define_pixels(b,a,s); def stick_A(expr alpha)(text pentype)= beginchar (incr(charcode),s#+a#+s#,b#,0); pickup pentype; bot z1=(good.x s,0); z5=z1+(a,0); z3=(1/2[x1,x5],good.y b); z2=alpha[z1,z3]; z4=alpha[z5,z3]; draw z1..z3; draw z3..z5; draw z2..z4; drawdot z1; drawdot z5; drawdot z3; labels(1,2,3,4,5); endchar; enddef; charcode:=5; % the first A will be number 6 stick_A((3-sqrt5)/2, % (area above bar / area below) = golden ratio % \Aa pencircle scaled standardwidth); for alpha=.2 step .05 until .5+10epsilon: stick_A(alpha,pencircle scaled standardwidth); endfor % chars 7..13 beginchar(14,s#+a#+s#,b#,0); pickup pencircle scaled standardwidth; bot z1=(good.x s,0); z5=z1+(a,0); z3=(1/2[x1,x5],good.y b); z4-z2=whatever*dir20; 1/2[y2,y4]=2/3[y3,y1]; z2=whatever[z1,z3]; z4=whatever[z3,z5]; draw z1..z3; draw z3..z5; draw z2..z4; drawdot z1; drawdot z5; drawdot z3; labels(1,2,3,4,5); endchar; stick_A((3-sqrt5)/2,pencircle xscaled darkwidth yscaled lightwidth); % \Ab=15 stick_A((3-sqrt5)/2, pencircle xscaled darkwidth yscaled lightwidth rotated 30); % \Ac=16 message "Kidney beans"; standardwidth#:=.4pt#; darkwidth#:=.8pt#; lightwidth#:=.2pt#; define_blacker_pixels(standardwidth,darkwidth,lightwidth); b#:=100/36pt#; define_pixels(b); def bean(text pentype)= beginchar (incr(charcode),2b#,1.5b#,0); pickup pentype; z1=(0,b); z2=(b,b); z3=(2b,b); z4=(0,0); z5=(b,0); z6=(2b,0); draw z5..z4..z1..z3..z6..cycle; labels(1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar; enddef; charcode:=16; % the first bean will be number 17 bean(pencircle scaled standardwidth); % \beana=17 bean(pencircle scaled darkwidth); % \beanb=18 bean(pencircle xscaled darkwidth yscaled lightwidth); % \beanc=19 bean(pencircle xscaled darkwidth yscaled lightwidth rotated 30); % \beand=20 message "Pen nibs"; bigthickwidth#:=8pt#; littlethickwidth#:=2pt#; define_blacker_pixels(bigthickwidth,littlethickwidth); beginchar(21,bigthickwidth#,0,0); % \niba pickup pencircle xscaled bigthickwidth yscaled littlethickwidth; lft z1=(0,good.y 0); drawdot z1; labels(1); endchar; beginchar(22,bigthickwidth#,0,0); % \nibb pickup pencircle xscaled bigthickwidth yscaled littlethickwidth rotated 30; lft z1=(0,good.y 0); drawdot z1; labels(1); endchar; beginchar(23,littlethickwidth#,0,0); % \nibc pickup pencircle yscaled bigthickwidth xscaled littlethickwidth; lft z1=(0,good.y 0); drawdot z1; labels(1); endchar; message "Ionian letters"; em#:=10pt#; cap#:=7pt#; thin#:=1/3pt#; thick#:=5/6pt#; slab#:=.8pt#; stem#:=.9pt#; o#:=1/5pt#; define_pixels(em,cap); define_blacker_pixels(thin,thick,slab,stem); define_corrected_pixels(o); curve_sidebar=round 1/18em; %vardef pentaper@#(expr lt,rt) = % dropped from PLAIN % x@#l:=lt[x@#l,x@#]; x@#r:=rt[x@#r,x@#]; % y@#l:=lt[y@#l,y@#]; y@#r:=rt[y@#r,y@#] enddef; % ill-fated example wasn't attractive enough by itself: %bar:=slab; %beginchar(24,0.6em#,cap#,0); % "The letter T"; \IOT=24 %penpos1(bar,70); %penpos2(bar,35); %penpos4(bar,35); %penpos5(bar,55); %x1=0; y1r=h; y2r=y4r=.2[y1r,y1]; y5l=.3[y1l,y1]; %x2l=1/3[x1l,x5l]; x4l=2/3[x1l,x5l]; x5=w; %penpos6(stem,20); pentaper6(.1,0); %penpos3(x6r-x6l,0); %penpos7(stem,10); %y3=y2; x3=.5w; %x6r=x3r; y6=2/3h; %x7=x6; y7=0; %penstroke z1e{curl infinity}..z2e..z4e..{curl infinity}z5e; %penstroke z3e..z6e{down}..z7e; %labels.top(1r,2l,2,2r,4l,4,4r,6); %labels.lft(1,1l,6l); %labels.rt(5,5r,5l,6r); %labels.bot(3l,3,3r,7,7r,7l); %endchar; beginchar(25,5/9em#,cap#,0); % "The letter S"; /IOS=25 penpos1(slab,70); penpos2(.5slab,80); penpos3(.5[slab,thick],200); penpos5(.5[slab,thick],210); penpos6(.7slab,80); penpos7(.25[slab,thick],72); x1=x5; y1r=.94h+o; x2=x4=x6=.5w; y2r=h+o; y4=.54h; y6l=-o; x3r=.04em; y3=.5[y4,y2]; x5l=w-.03em; y5=.5[y4,y6]; .5[x7l,x7]=.04em; y7l=.12h-o; path trial; trial=z3{down}..z4..{down}z5; pair dz; dz=direction 1 of trial; penpos4(thick,angle dz-90); penstroke z1e..z2e{left}..z3e{down}..z4e{dz}..z5e{down}..z6e{left}..z7e; labels.lft(2,3r,5r,6,7); labels.rt(1,3l,4,5l); labels.top(1r,2r,3,4l,5,6r,7r); labels.bot(1l,2l,4r,6l,7l); endchar; beginchar(26,0.8em#,cap#,0); % "The letter O"; \IOO=26 penpos1(thick,10); penpos2(.1[thin,thick],90-10); penpos3(thick,180+10); penpos4(thin,270-10); x1l=w-x3l=curve_sidebar; x2=x4=.5w; y1=.49h; y2l=-o; y3=.51h; y4l=h+o; penstroke z1e{down}..z2e{right}..z3e{up}..z4e{left}..cycle; penlabels(1,2,3,4); endchar; beginchar(27,.35em#,cap#,0); % "The letter I"; \IOI=27 penpos1(stem,15); penpos2(.9stem,12); penpos3(stem,10); x1=x2=x3=.5w; y1=h; y2=.55h; y3=0; x2l:=1/6[x2l,x2]; penstroke z1e..z2e{down}..z3e; penlabels(1,2,3); endchar; %ligtable 24: 24 kern .05em#, 26 kern -.05em#; % TT and TO are adjusted message "Cubes and such"; s#:=5pt#; define_pixels(s); % side of the square beginchar(28,5/3s#,4/3s#,0); % "Possible cube"; \cubea=28 z1=(-epsilon,-epsilon); z2=(s+epsilon,-epsilon); z3=(-epsilon,s+epsilon); z4=(s+epsilon,s+epsilon); for k=1 upto 4: z[k+4]=z[k]+(2/3s,1/3s); endfor pickup pencircle scaled .4pt; draw z5--z6--z8--z7--cycle; pickup pencircle scaled 1.6pt; erase draw z2--z4--z3; pickup pencircle scaled .4pt; draw z1--z2--z4--z3--cycle; for k=1 upto 4: draw z[k]--z[k+4]; endfor labels.top(1,2,5,6); labels.bot(3,4,7,8); endchar; beginchar(29,5/3s#,4/3s#,0); % "Impossible cube"; \cubeb=29 z1=(-epsilon,-epsilon); z2=(s+epsilon,-epsilon); z3=(-epsilon,s+epsilon); z4=(s+epsilon,s+epsilon); for k=1 upto 4: z[k+4]=z[k]+(2/3s,1/3s); endfor pickup pencircle scaled .4pt; draw z3--z4; draw z5--z6; cullit; pickup pencircle scaled 1.6pt; undraw z7--1/2[z7,z5]; undraw z2--1/2[z2,z4]; cullit; pickup pencircle scaled .4pt; draw z3--z1--z2--z4; draw z5--z7--z8--z6; for k=1 upto 4: draw z[k]--z[k+4]; endfor labels.top(1,2,5,6); labels.bot(3,4,7,8); endchar; beginchar(30,10pt#,7pt#,2pt#); % bicentennial star pair center; center=(.5w,2pt); numeric radius; radius=5pt; for k=0 upto 4: z[k]=center+(radius,0) rotated(90+360/5k); endfor def :: = ..tension 5.. enddef; path star; star=z0::z2::z4::z1::z3::cycle; pickup pencircle scaled .4pt; draw star; cullit; pickup pencircle scaled 1.6pt; for k=0 upto 4: undraw subpath(k+.55,k+.7) of star; endfor cullit; pickup pencircle scaled .4pt; for k=0 upto 4: draw subpath(k+.47,k+.8) of star; endfor labels(0,1,2,3,4); endchar; beginchar(31,2/3*11pt#,.5*11pt#,0); % \oneu=31 pickup pencircle scaled 3/4pt yscaled 1/3 rotated 30; save ww; ww=3/2w; save t; transform t; t=identity rotatedaround((.5ww,h),-90); x2=.35ww; x3=good.x .6ww; y2=good.y .2h; top y3=round .8h+eps; save p; path p; p=z2{right}...{up}z3; top z1=point .5 of p transformed t; draw (z1...p); labels(1,2,3); endchar; beginchar(38,11pt#,11pt#,0); % \fouru=38 pickup pencircle scaled 3/4pt yscaled 1/3 rotated 30; save t; transform t; t=identity rotatedaround((.5w,.5h),-90); x2=.35w; x3=good.x .6w; y2=good.y .1h; top y3=round .4h+eps; save p; path p; p=z2{right}...{up}z3; top z1=point .5 of p transformed t; draw (z1...p); addto currentpicture also currentpicture transformed t; addto currentpicture also currentpicture transformed(t transformed t); labels.bot(1,3); labels.rt(2); endchar; beginchar(39,11pt#,11pt#,0); % \fourc=39 pickup pencircle scaled 3/4pt yscaled 1/3 rotated 30; save t; transform t; t=identity rotatedaround((.5w,.5h),-90); x2=.35w; x3=good.x .6w; y2=good.y .1h; top y3=round .4h+eps; save p; path p; p=z2{right}...{up}z3; top z1=point .5 of p transformed t; draw (z1...p) rotatedaround((.5w,.5h),-45) withpen pencircle scaled 3/4pt yscaled 1/3 rotated-15; addto currentpicture also currentpicture transformed t; addto currentpicture also currentpicture transformed(t transformed t); labels.bot(1,3); labels.rt(2); endchar; message "Circle variations"; beginchar(32,5pt#,5pt#,0); "Quarter circle"; % \circa pickup pencircle scaled (.4pt+blacker); draw quartercircle scaled 10pt; endchar; beginchar(33,5pt#,5pt#,0); "Filled quarter circle"; % \circb fill ((0,0)--quartercircle--cycle) scaled 10pt; endchar; beginchar(34,5pt#,5pt#,0); "Rotated quarter circle"; % \circc pickup pencircle scaled (.4pt+blacker); draw quartercircle rotated 90 scaled 10pt shifted (5pt,0); endchar; beginchar(35,5pt#*sqrt2,5pt#,0); "Cone"; % \circd pickup pencircle scaled (.4pt+blacker); draw ((0,0)--quartercircle--cycle) rotated 45 scaled 10pt shifted (.5w,0); endchar; beginchar(36,10pt#,7.5pt#,2.5pt#); "Concentric circles"; % \circe pickup pencircle scaled (.4pt+blacker); for D=.2w,.6w,w: draw fullcircle scaled D shifted (.5w,.5[-d,h]); endfor endchar; beginchar(37,10pt#,7.5pt#,2.5pt#); "Concentric diamonds"; % \circf pickup pencircle scaled (.4pt+blacker); for D=.2w,.6w,w: draw unitsquare shifted -(.5,.5) rotated 45 scaled (D/sqrt2) shifted (.5w,.5[-d,h]); endfor endchar; message "Miscellaneous symbols"; % mostly from the old manfnt beginchar(oct"171",15pt#,7.5pt#,2.5pt#); % arrow for errata lists curve#:=30/36pt#; dcurve#:=60/36pt#; bar#:=25/36pt#; define_whole_blacker_pixels(curve,dcurve,bar); penpos1(curve,90); penpos2(curve,90); penpos3(dcurve,90); penpos4(dcurve,90); penpos5(curve,90); penpos6(curve,90); y1r=vround(y1r-(y1-.5[-d,h])); y2=y5=y6=y1=y0; y4l=-d; y3r=h; x1=0; x2=.1w; x3=.2w; x4=.55w; x5=.65w; x2l:=x2l+.25curve; x5r:=x5r-.25curve; penstroke z1e--z2e--z3e--z4e--z5e; % crooked arrow penpos13(bar,0); penpos14(bar,0); x0=w; y13-y0=y0-y14=.24h+eps; x13=x14=7/8w-eps; penpos15(.5bar,angle(z14-z0)); z15l=z0; penpos16(.5bar,angle(z13-z0)); z16l=z0; z19=.381966[.5[z13,z14],z0]; numeric t; path p; p=z14l{z19-z14}..z16r; t=xpart(p intersectiontimes((0,y6l)--(w,y6l))); x6=xpart point t of p; filldraw z0..{z14-z19}z14r--subpath (0,t) of\\(z14l{z19-z14}..z16r) --z6l--z5l--z5r--z6r--subpath (t,0) of\\(z13l{z19-z13}..z15r) --z13r{z19-z13}..z0 & cycle; % arrowhead and link penlabels(range 1 thru 19); endchar; beginchar(oct"170", 5pt#, 6.25pt#, 0); "Triangle for exercises"; x1=x2=w-x3=round .43pt; y3=.5+floor.5h; z1-z2=(z3-z2) rotated 60; y1:=.5sqrt3+round(y1-.5sqrt3); y2:=h-y1; fill z1--z2--z3--cycle; labels(1,2,3); endchar; beginchar("6",256/36pt#,250/36pt#,0); % upper triangle for Addison-Wesley logo x1=round 5/36pt; x2=round .5w; x2-x1=x3-x2=(y2-y1)/(sqrt 3); y1=y3=0; fill z1--z2--z3--cycle; labels(1,2,3); endchar; beginchar("7",256/36pt#,250/36pt#,0); % lower triangle for Addison-Wesley logo x1=round 5/36pt; x2=round .5w; x2-x1=x3-x2=(y1-y2)/(sqrt 3); y1=y3; y2=0; fill z1--z2--z3--cycle; labels(1,2,3); endchar; def font_setup= define_pixels(u,tiny,axis,hheight,border); define_blacker_pixels(hair,thin,thick,rulethickness); pickup if tiny<.5: nullpen else: pencircle scaled tiny fi; tinypen:=savepen; currenttransform:=identity yscaled aspect_ratio slanted slant; enddef; % typical cmr10 parameters u#:=20/36pt#; tiny#:=0; axis#:=90/36pt#; hheight#:=250/36pt#; border#:=20/36pt#; hair#:=8/36pt#; thin#:=9/36pt#; thick#:=25/36pt#; fixwidth:=0; slant:=0; rulethickness#:=.4pt#; baselinedistance#:=11pt#; heavyline#:=50/36pt#; font_setup; define_whole_pixels(baselinedistance); define_blacker_pixels(heavyline); beginchar(127,25u#,hheight#+border#,0); "Dangerous bend sign"; pickup pencircle scaled rulethickness; top y1=25/27h; lft x4=0; x1+x1=x1a+x1b=x4b+x2a=x4+x2=x4a+x2b=x3b+x3a=x3+x3=w; x4a=x4b=x4+u; x3b=x1a=x1-2u; y4+y4=y4a+y4b=y3b+y1a=y3+y1=y3a+y1b=y2b+y2a=y2+y2=0; y1a=y1b=y1-2/27h; y4b=y2a=y4+4/27h; draw z1a..z1..z1b---z2a..z2..z2b--- z3a..z3..z3b---z4a..z4..z4b---cycle; % signboard x10=x11=x12=x13=good.x(.5w-u); x14=x15=x16=x17=w-x10; y10=y14=28/27h+epsilon; bot y13=-baselinedistance; z11=(z10..z13) intersectionpoint (z1a{z1a-z4b}..z1{right}); y15=y11; y16=y12=-y11; y17=y20=y21=y13; draw z11--z10--z14--z15; draw z12--z13; draw z16--z17; % signpost x20=w-x21; x21-x20=16u; draw z20--z21; % ground level x38=w-x31; x38-x31=8u; x32=x34=x38; x31=x35=x37; y31=-y38=12/27h; y32=-y37=9/27h; y34=-y35=3/27h; pickup pencircle scaled heavyline; draw z32{z32-z31}..z34---z35..z37{z38-z37}; % the dangerous bend pickup penrazor xscaled heavyline rotated (angle(z32-z31)+90); draw z31--z32; draw z37--z38; % upper and lower bars labels(1,1a,1b,2,2a,2b,3,3a,3b,4,4a,4b,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,20,21, 31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38); picture dbend; dbend=currentpicture; endchar; beginchar(126,25u#,hheight#+border#,0); "Lefthanded ditto"; currentpicture:=dbend reflectedabout((.5w,0),(.5w,h)); endchar; beginchar(0,25u#,hheight#+border#,0); "Reverse video ditto"; fill (0,-11pt)--(w,-11pt)--(w,h)--(0,h)--cycle; addto currentpicture also -dbend; endchar; beginchar(oct"140",3.75pt#,7pt#,4/3pt#); "special 1/7 for a quotation"; currenttransform:=currenttransform slanted(2/7/aspect_ratio); y3=y4=.5[h,-d]=.5[y2,y5]; y5=y6; x1=x2=x7=.5w; x5+x6=x3+x4=w; x5=x3+1/6pt; pickup pencircle xscaled .5pt yscaled .35pt; bot y2=top y3+pt; top y1=h; bot y7=-d; lft x3=0; % y2 moved up 1/3pt (Feb 5) draw z1..z2; draw z3..z4; draw z5--z6..{down}z7; labels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7); endchar; currenttransform:=currenttransform slanted(-2/7/aspect_ratio); % Circumscribed circles pickup pencircle scaled(.4pt+blacker); rpen:=savepen; def begincircle(expr code,units,depth,asp,superness)= beginchar(code,units*20/36pt#,0,0); pickup rpen; aa:=.5(w++depth*pt/asp); x2=x4=.5[x1,x3]=.5w; y1=y3=.5[y2,y4]=-.5round(depth*pt); x1=good.x(x2+aa); y2=good.y(y1+asp*aa); draw superellipse(z1,z2,z3,z4,superness); labels(1,2,3,4) enddef; "Ellipse for floating-point mod operator"; % also for pseudo coin top begincircle(oct"130",29,5,.5,.75786); endchar; "Edge and bottom of pseudo coin"; begincircle(oct"133",29,5,.5,.75786); charht:=2pt#; erase fill rt z1--(rt x1,top y2)--(lft x3,top y2)--lft z3--cycle; x0=x1; x5=x3; y0=y5=y1+2pt; draw z0--z1; draw z3--z5; labels(0,5); endchar; "Circle to enclose two digits"; begincircle(oct"131",19,7.5,1,.75786); endchar; "Circle to enclose an exponent of 2"; begincircle(oct"132",9,6,1,1/sqrt2); endchar; % Now we do the \qc font from TeXbook Appendix D pickup pencircle scaled ceiling pt; ptpen:=savepen; beginchar("a",10pt#,5.5pt#,4.5pt#); pickup ptpen; % W to S bot y1=lft x2=0; x2=.5[x1,x1+w]; y1=.5[y2,y2+h+d]; draw z1{right}..{down}z2; labels(1,2); endchar; beginchar("b",10pt#,5.5pt#,4.5pt#); pickup ptpen; % W to N bot y1=lft x2=0; x2=.5[x1,x1+w]; y1=.5[y2,y2-h-d]; draw z1{right}..{up}z2; labels(1,2); endchar; beginchar("c",10pt#,5.5pt#,4.5pt#); pickup ptpen; % E to N bot y1=lft x2=0; x2=.5[x1,x1-w]; y1=.5[y2,y2-h-d]; draw z1{left}..{up}z2; labels(1,2); endchar; beginchar("d",10pt#,5.5pt#,4.5pt#); pickup ptpen; % E to S bot y1=lft x2=0; x2=.5[x1,x1-w]; y1=.5[y2,y2+h+d]; draw z1{left}..{down}z2; labels(1,2); endchar; fontdimen 8: pt#; % rule thickness in \qc message "METAFONT logo"; def arc(suffix i,j) = (z.i{0,y.j-y.i}.. (beta[x.i,x.j],beta[y.j,y.i]){z.j-z.i}.. z.j{x.j-x.i,0}) enddef; def double_arc(suffix i,j,k) = arc(i,j) & reverse arc(k,j) enddef; alpha:=.45; % controls bar location and similar things beta:=.2; % controls squareness of bowls def setparameters(text parameter_equations) = string code.M,code.E,code.T,code.A,code.F,code.O,code.N; numeric h#, xx#, yy#, o#, s#, u#, px#, py#; numeric leftstemloc, barheight; parameter_equations; yy#=(h#/13.5u#)*xx#; define_whole_pixels(xx,yy); define_pixels(s,u); define_corrected_pixels(o); py#=.9px#; define_blacker_pixels(px,py); pickup pencircle xscaled px yscaled py; logo_pen:=savepen; leftstemloc:=good.x((2.5u#+s#)*pt); barheight:=good.y(alpha*h#*pt); ligtable code.T: code.A kern -.5u#; ligtable code.F: code.O kern -u#; enddef; def beginlogochar(suffix c)(expr n) = % code c; width is n units plus sidebars beginchar(code.c,n*u#+2s#,h#,0); pickup logo_pen enddef; def do_it = beginlogochar(M,18); x1=x2=leftstemloc; x4=x5=w-x1; x3=w-x3; y1=y5; y2=y4; bot.y1=-o; top y2=h+o; y3=y1+yy; draw z1--z2--z3--z4--z5; labels(1,2,3,4,5); endchar; beginlogochar(E,14); x1=x2=x3=leftstemloc; x4=x6=w-x1+o; x5=x4-xx; y1=y6; y2=y5; y3=y4; bot.y1=0; top.y3=h; y2=barheight; draw z6--z1--z3--z4; draw z2..z5; labels(1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar; beginlogochar(T,13); italcorr h#*slant+.5u#; if odd(w-px): w:=w+1; fi % allows a symmetric stem lft x1=-epsilon; x2=w-x1; x3=x4=.5w; % I tried lft x1=s-o; not as good y1=y2=y3; top.y1=h; bot.y4=-o; draw z1..z2; draw z3..z4; labels(1,2,3,4); endchar; beginlogochar(A,15); % changed from 16 on Oct 16! x1+x4=x2+x3=2x5=w; x1=x2=leftstemloc; y1=y4; y2=y3; bot.y1=-o; top.y5=h+o; y2=barheight; draw double_arc(2,5,3); draw z1--z2--z3--z4; labels(1,2,3,4,5); endchar; beginlogochar(F,14); x1=x2=x3=leftstemloc; x4=w-x1+o; x5=x4-xx; y2=y5; y3=y4; bot.y1=-o; top.y3=h; y2=barheight; draw z1--z3--z4; draw z2..z5; labels(1,2,3,4,5); endchar; beginlogochar(O,15); x1+x2=x3+x4=w; x1=good.x(1.5u+s); x3=x4; bot.y3=-o; top.y4=h+o; y1=y2=barheight; draw double_arc(1,4,2); draw double_arc(2,3,1); labels(1,2,3,4); endchar; beginlogochar(N,15); x1+x4=x1+x3=x2+x5=w; x1=x2=leftstemloc; y1=y4=y3-yy; bot.y1=-o; y2=y5; top.y5=h+o; draw z1--z2--z3; draw z4..z5; labels(1,2,3,4,5); endchar; enddef; % the end of "do_it" % ten-point size message " ten point"; setparameters(h#=6; % height of characters, in pt slant:=0; xx#=0.6; % extra length of certain features, in pt u#=4/9; % unit width, in pt s#=0; % extra sidebar, in pt o#=1/9; % overshoot of curves, in pt px#=2/3; % horizontal thickness of pen, in pt code.M="M"; code.E="E"; code.T="T"; code.A="A"; code.F="F"; code.O="O"; code.N="N") do_it; currenttransform:=currenttransform slanted(.25/aspect_ratio); % ten-point size, slanted: 89:;<=>: = METAFONT! message " slanted ten point"; setparameters(h#=6; % height of characters, in pt slant:=.25; xx#=0.6; % extra length of certain features, in pt u#=4/9; % unit width, in pt s#=0; % extra sidebar, in pt o#=1/9; % overshoot of curves, in pt px#=2/3; % horizontal thickness of pen, in pt code.M="8"; code.E="9"; code.T=":"; code.A=";"; code.F="<"; code.O="="; code.N=">") do_it; currenttransform:=currenttransform slanted(-.25/aspect_ratio); % nine-point size: hijklmnj = METAFONT! message " nine point"; setparameters(h#=.9*6; % height of characters, in pt slant:=0; xx#=.9*0.6; % extra length of certain features, in pt u#=.91*4/9; % unit width, in pt s#=.08; % extra sidebar, in pt o#=1/10; % overshoot of curves, in pt px#=.9*2/3; % horizontal thickness of pen, in pt code.M="h"; code.E="i"; code.T="j"; code.A="k"; code.F="l"; code.O="m"; code.N="n") do_it; font_quad 18u#+2s#; % we take spacing from the 9-point logo font font_normal_space 6u#+2s#; font_normal_stretch 3u#; font_normal_shrink 2u#; % eight-point size: opqrstuq = METAFONT! message " eight point"; setparameters(h#=.8*6; % height of characters, in pt slant:=0; xx#=.8*0.6; % extra length of certain features, in pt u#=.82*4/9; % unit width, in pt s#=.2; % extra sidebar, in pt o#=1/12; % overshoot of curves, in pt px#=.8*2/3; % horizontal thickness of pen, in pt code.M="o"; code.E="p"; code.T="q"; code.A="r"; code.F="s"; code.O="t"; code.N="u") do_it; % eight-point size, magnified 10/8: /0123451 = METAFONT! message " magnified eight point"; setparameters(h#=.8*6*10/8; % height of characters, in pt slant:=0; xx#=.8*0.6*10/8; % extra length of certain features, in pt u#=.82*4/9*10/8; % unit width, in pt s#=.2*10/8; % extra sidebar, in pt o#=1/12*10/8; % overshoot of curves, in pt px#=.8*2/3*10/8; % horizontal thickness of pen, in pt code.M="/"; code.E="0"; code.T="1"; code.A="2"; code.F="3"; code.O="4"; code.N="5") do_it; currenttransform:=currenttransform slanted(2/7/aspect_ratio); % eight-point size, slanted: \]^_efg^ = METAFONT! message " slanted eight point"; slant:=2/7; setparameters(h#=.8*6; % height of characters, in pt xx#=.8*0.6; % extra length of certain features, in pt u#=.82*4/9; % unit width, in pt s#=.2; % extra sidebar, in pt o#=1/12; % overshoot of curves, in pt px#=.8*2/3; % horizontal thickness of pen, in pt code.M="\"; code.E="]"; code.T="^"; code.A="_"; code.F="e"; code.O="f"; code.N="g") do_it; currenttransform:=currenttransform slanted(-2/7/aspect_ratio); % special size for the title page: ()*+,-.* = METAFONT! message " title page size"; setparameters(h#=250/9; % height of characters, in pt (same as cmssc40) slant:=0; xx#=2.9; % extra length of certain features, in pt u#=(1+sqrt5)/2; % unit width, in pt s#=.2; % extra sidebar, in pt o#=4/9; % overshoot of curves, in pt px#=4; % horizontal thickness of pen, in pt code.M="("; code.E=")"; code.T="*"; code.A="+"; code.F=","; code.O="-"; code.N=".") do_it; currenttransform:=currenttransform slanted(-1/9/aspect_ratio); % backslanted skinny bold: BCDGHIJD = METAFONT! message " weird skinny bold condensed"; setparameters(h#=25; % height of characters, in pt slant:=-1/9; % leftward bias xx#=1.5; % extra length of certain features, in pt u#=3/9; % unit width, in pt s#=1/3; % extra sidebar, in pt o#=2/9; % overshoot of curves, in pt px#=1; % horizontal thickness of pen, in pt code.M="B"; code.E="C"; code.T="D"; code.A="G"; code.F="H"; code.O="I"; code.N="J") do_it; currenttransform:=currenttransform slanted(+1/9/aspect_ratio); % ultrawide light: KLUVWvwU = METAFONT! message " weird light extended"; setparameters(h#=6; % height of characters, in pt slant:=0; xx#=2; % extra length of certain features, in pt u#=4/3; % unit width, in pt s#=-2/3; % extra sidebar, in pt o#=1/9; % overshoot of curves, in pt px#=1/3; % horizontal thickness of pen, in pt code.M="K"; code.E="L"; code.T="U"; code.A="V"; code.F="W"; code.O="v"; code.N="w") do_it; message "Pixel symbols"; beginchar("P",722.7/722.909pt#,722.7/722.909pt#,0); % 1pt pixel pickup pencircle scaled .2pt; top lft z1=(0,.8h); top rt z2=(.8w,.8h); bot lft z3=(0,0); bot rt z4=(.8w,0); draw z1--z4; draw z2--z3; endchar; beginchar("Q",722.7/722.909pt#,722.7/722.909pt#,0); % 1pt nonpixel pickup pencircle scaled .2pt; drawdot(.4w,.4h); endchar; beginchar("R",3*722.7/722.909pt#,3*722.7/722.909pt#,0); % 3pt pixel pickup pencircle scaled .3pt; interim autorounding:=0; top lft z1=(0,.9h); top z2=(.45w,.9h); top rt z3=(.9w,.9h); lft z4=(0,.45h); rt z5=(.9w,.45h); bot lft z6=(0,0); bot z7=(.45w,0); bot rt z8=(.9w,0); draw z1+(-50epsilon,50epsilon)--z8+(50epsilon,-50epsilon); draw z2+(0,50epsilon)--z7-(0,50epsilon); draw z3+(50epsilon,50epsilon)--z6-(50epsilon,50epsilon); draw z4-(50epsilon,0)--z5+(50epsilon,0); endchar; beginchar("S",3*722.7/722.909pt#,3*722.7/722.909pt#,0); % 3pt nonpixel pickup pencircle scaled .3pt; drawdot(.45w,.45h); endchar; message "Gothic d"; beginchar("?",4pt#,8pt#,0); % taken from NB, but my changes may have spoiled it stem_length#:=10/6.7pt#; define_blacker_pixels(stem_length); xheight:=6pt; penpos1 (2*stem_length,30); % normal points penpos2 (2*stem_length,30); % normal points penpos3 (2*stem_length,30); % normal points penpos4 (2*stem_length,30); % normal points x1l=x2=0; y1r=xheight; y2l=0; penpos40(stem_length,30); z40r=round z1; penpos41(stem_length,40); x40r=x41r=x42r; y41=.5[y40,y42]; penpos42(stem_length,30); y42l=y2; fill z40r--(x40r,y42l)--z42l...z41l{up}...z40l--cycle; % left stem x3=x4r=w; y3=y1; y4=y2; penpos50(stem_length,30); z50l=round z3l; penpos51(stem_length,40); x50l=x51l=x52l; y51=.5[y50,y52]; penpos52(stem_length,30); y52l=y4; fill z52l--(x52l,y50r)--z50r...z51r{down}...z52r--cycle; % right stem penpos10(stem_length,30); z10=z42; penpos11(stem_length,25); x11=.5[x10,x12]; y10l=y11=y12r; penpos12(stem_length,30); x12r=x4; % redundant: y12l=0; penpos14(stem_length*(1+cosd30),30); z14l=z12l; penpos15(.07stem_length,120); z15l=z14r; fill z10l...z11l{z12-z10}...z12l--z14r --z15r{z14l-z14r}...z11r{z10-z12}...z10r--cycle; % lower join numeric ch; ch=10; % Neenie's version was more like ch=7.5 (steeper) numeric s_length[]; s_length0*cosd(30-ch)=stem_length*cosd 30; s_length1*cosd(40-ch)=stem_length*cosd 40; pair corner; corner=z50r; vardef f(expr theta)= save x,y; penpos60(s_length0,theta); y60r=h; x60l=0; angle(z60r-corner)<theta+60+ch enddef; numeric theta; theta=solve f(90,0); penpos60(s_length0,theta); y60r=h; x60l=0; penpos61(s_length1,theta+10); z61l=.5[z60l,z62l]; penpos62(s_length0,theta); z62r=corner; fill z60l--((z60l--z62l)intersectionpoint((x4,0)--(x4,h))) --z62r...z61r{z60-z62}...z60r--cycle; % diagonal charwd:=charwd+1.03277pt#; w:= w + round(1.03277pt); penlabels(1,2,3,4,10,11,12,13,14,15,40,41,42,50,51,52,60,61,62); interim xoffset:=.46687pt; interim yoffset:=-.3pt; endchar; bye