% This file can be loaded after plain.mf.
% It introduces conventions that are commonly used on my home computer,
% while remaining compatible with the plain base.
% It also adds some macros added by AMS in their amsmodes.mf, version 2.1a

def cand(text q) = startif true q else: false fi enddef;
def cor(text q) = startif true true else: q fi enddef;
tertiarydef p startif true = if p: enddef;

def mode_def suffix $ =
 if known($) cand
   (numeric $ cand
   ($<number_of_modes cand
   (mode_name[$] = (str $ & "_")))):
 else: if known(mode-$) cand (unknown mode): mode:= fi
       $:=incr number_of_modes;
       mode_name[$]:=str$ & "_";
 expandafter quote def scantokens mode_name[$] enddef;

screen_rows:=1024; screen_cols:=1024;

% Here are conventions for local output devices:

mode_def imagen =  % imagen mode: for the Imagen 8/300 (Canon engine)
 proofing:=0;      % no, we're not making proofs
 fontmaking:=1;      % yes, we are making a font
 tracingtitles:=0;    % no, don't show titles in the log
 blacker:=0;      % Canon engine is black enough
 fillin:=.2;      % and it tends to fill in diagonals
 o_correction:=.6;    %

mode_def aps =    % aps mode: for the Autologic APS-Micro5
 proofing:=0;      % no, we're not making proofs
 fontmaking:=1;      % yes, we are making a font
 tracingtitles:=1;      % yes, show titles online
 pixels_per_inch:=722.909;    % that's roughly 10 per pt
 blacker:=.2;      % make pens a teeny bit blacker
 fillin:=.2;      % but compensate for diagonal fillin
 o_correction:=1;      % and keep the full overshoot

mode_def linohi =    % lino mode: for the Linotronic at 1270dpi
 proofing:=0;      % no, we're not making proofs
 fontmaking:=1;      % yes, we are making a font
 tracingtitles:=1;      % yes, show titles online
 blacker:=.2;      % make pens a teeny bit blacker
 fillin:=.2;      % but compensate for diagonal fillin
 o_correction:=1;      % and keep the full overshoot

mode_def fourc =  % for 400dpi printers 
 proofing:=0;      % no, we're not making proofs
 fontmaking:=1;      % yes, we are making a font
 tracingtitles:=0;    % no, don't show titles in the log
 blacker:=0;      % engine is black enough
 fillin:=.2;      % and it tends to fill in diagonals
 o_correction:=.6;    %


% Macros to add mode information specials to fonts. (by Pierre MacKay)

def mode_special(suffix $) =
  string s,d;
  s:=str$; d:=decimal scantokens s;
  special s&":="&d&";" enddef;

def font_mode_specials =
 if fontmaking > 0:
 begingroup; save d,s,p; save pixels_per_inch;
  string p;
  special jobname;
  if string mode: p:=mode;
  else: p:=substring(0,length(mode_name[mode])-1) of mode_name[mode]; fi
  special "mode:="&p&";";

% Finally, here are macros for Xerox-world font info:

def font_family expr s =  % string s names the font family, e.g., "CMR"
 headerbyte 49: BCPL_string(s,20);
 special "identifier "&s enddef;
def coding_scheme expr s = % string s names the scheme, e.g. "TEX TEXT"
 headerbyte 9: BCPL_string(s,40);
 special "codingscheme "&s enddef;
def font_face_byte expr x = % integer x gives the family member number,
 headerbyte 72: x;          % which should be between 0 and 255
 special "fontfacebyte"; numspecial x enddef;

def BCPL_string(expr s,n)= % string s becomes an n-byte BCPL string
 for l:=if length(s)>=n: n-1 else: length(s) fi: l
  for k:=1 upto l: , substring (k-1,k) of s endfor
  for k:=l+2 upto n: , 0 endfor endfor enddef;

Xerox_world:=1;    % users can say `if known Xerox_world:...fi'

inner end;
def bye=
 if fontmaking>0: font_family font_identifier_;
  coding_scheme font_coding_scheme_;
  font_face_byte max(0,254-round 2designsize);
  font_mode_specials; fi

outer bye,end;