This is METAFONT, Version 2.7182 for SunOS (INIMF)  8 AUG 1998 21:30
**plain \input local \dump 
Preloading the plain base, version 2.71: preliminaries,
 basic constants and mathematical macros,
 macros for converting from device-independent units to pixels,
 macros and tables for various modes of operation,
 macros for drawing and filling,
 macros for proof labels and rules,
 macros for character and font administration,
and a few last-minute items.) (/home/tex/local/lib/
Beginning to dump on file plain.base
 (preloaded base=plain 98.8.8)
1407 strings of total length 23104
5273 memory locations dumped; current usage is 1450&3664
525 symbolic tokens