$Id: Licenses.txt,v 1.14 2007/02/28 14:23:19 herbs Exp $ Brief summary of the licensing of the various applications included as of 2010/02/22. Aquamacs Emacs - 1.9 - gpl - http://aquamacs.org/ Aquatkbibtex - 1.3 - gpl - http://aquatkbibtex.sourceforge.net/ BibDesk (for 10.3.9) - 1.2.11 - bsd - http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/ BibDesk (for 10.4) - 1.3.22 - bsd - http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/ BibDesk (for 10.5+) - 1.5.1 - bsd - http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/ BBEdit LaTeX Glossary - 3.03 - free? - from http://www.barebones.com/index.shtml BBEdit TeX Scripts - - free? - from http://www.barebones.com/index.shtml CocoAspell (i86/ppc for 10.4)- 2.0.4 - free? - http://cocoaspell.leuski.net/ CocoAspell (for 10.5+) - 2.1 - free? - http://cocoaspell.leuski.net/ Equation Service - 1.0 - gpl - http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/EquationService/ Excalibur - 4.0.7 - gpl - http://excalibur.sourceforge.net/ iTeXMac - 2b747 - gpl - http://itexmac.sourceforge.net/ JabRef - 2.5 - gpl - http://jabref.sourceforge.net/ LaTeX Equation Editor - 1.3 - free? - http://evolve.lse.ac.uk/software/EquationEditor/ LaTeXiT (for 10.3) - 1.14.4 - free? - http://ktd.club.fr/programmation/latexit_en.php LaTeXiT (for 10.4+) - 2.0.1 - free? - http://ktd.club.fr/programmation/latexit_en.php Lyx - 1.6.5 - gpl - http://wiki.lyx.org/Mac/Mac PDFView - 0.14.3 - gpl - http://pdfview.sourceforge.net/ Skim (for 10.4) - 1.2.7 - bsd - http://skim-app.sourceforge.net/ Skim (for 10.5+) - 1.3.4 - bsd - http://skim-app.sourceforge.net/ Symbols Widget - 1.4.3 - gpl - http://vocaro.com/trevor/software/widgets/ TCOBrowser - 0.87 - bsd - http://tcobrowser.sourceforge.net/ TeX FoG (for 10.3) - 1.2.4 - gpl - http://homepage.mac.com/marco_coisson/TeXFoG/ TeX FoG (for 10.4+) - 1.3.0 - gpl - http://homepage.mac.com/marco_coisson/TeXFoG/ TeX Live Utility - 0.86 - bsd - http://code.google.com/p/mactlmgr/ TexMaker (for 10.3) - 1.5 - gpl - http://www.xm1math.net/texmaker/ TexMaker (for 10.4+) - 1.9.2 - gpl - http://www.xm1math.net/texmaker/ TeXShop (for 10.3) - 1.43 - gpl - http://www.uoregon.edu/~koch/texshop/texshop.html TeXShop (for 10.4+) - 2.31 - gpl - http://www.uoregon.edu/~koch/texshop/texshop.html TeXniscope - 0.3.4 - gpl - http://docenti.ing.unipi.it/~d9615/homepage/texniscope.html TextWrangler TeX Scripts - - free? - http://www.barebones.com/index.shtml