/* -*-C-*- dvijet.c */ /*-->dvijet*/ /**********************************************************************/ /******************************* dvijet *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ #include "dvihead.h" /**********************************************************************/ /************************ Device Definitions ************************/ /**********************************************************************/ /* All output-device-specific definitions go here. This section must be changed when modifying a dvi driver for use on a new device */ #undef HPLASERJET #define HPLASERJET 1 /* conditional compilation flag */ #define VERSION_NO "2.10" /* DVI driver version number */ #define DEVICE_ID "Hewlett-Packard 2686A Laser Jet laser printer" /* this string is printed at runtime */ #define OUTFILE_EXT "jet" #define DEFAULT_RESOLUTION 300 /* default dots/inch on HP Laser Jet */ #define BYTE_SIZE 8 /* output file byte size */ #undef STDRES #define STDRES 0 /* 0 for low-resolution devices */ #define XDPI 300 /* HP DeskJet horizontal dots/inch */ #define XPSIZE 8 /* horizontal paper size in inches */ #define XSIZE (((XDPI*XPSIZE+2*HOST_WORD_SIZE-1)/\ (2*HOST_WORD_SIZE))*(2*HOST_WORD_SIZE)) /* number of horizontal dots; */ /* MUST BE multiple of */ /* 2*HOST_WORD_SIZE */ #define XWORDS ((XSIZE + HOST_WORD_SIZE - 1)/HOST_WORD_SIZE) /* number of words in rows */ /* of bitmap array */ #define YDPI 300 /* HP DeskJet vertical dots/inch */ #define YPSIZE 11 /* vertical paper size in inches */ #define YSIZE (YDPI*YPSIZE) /* number of vertical dots */ /* The printer bit map (must have an even number of columns). */ #define XBIT ((1+2*XWORDS)/2) #define YBIT YSIZE #if (IBM_PC_LATTICE | IBM_PC_MICROSOFT | IBM_PC_WIZARD) #undef SEGMEM #define SEGMEM 1 /* ( ((long)XBIT * (long)YBIT) > 65536L ) */ #endif #include "bitmap.h" #include "main.h" #include "abortrun.h" #include "actfact.h" #include "alldone.h" #include "chargf.h" #include "charpk.h" #include "charpxl.h" #include "clrbmap.h" #include "clrrow.h" #include "dbgopen.h" /*-->devinit*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** devinit *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void devinit(argc,argv) /* initialize device */ int argc; char *argv[]; { (void)getbmap(); OUTF("\033E\033*t%dR",(int)hpres); /* printer reset, resolution */ } /*-->devterm*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** devterm *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void devterm() /* terminate device */ { } #include "dvifile.h" #include "dviinit.h" #include "dviterm.h" #include "dispchar.h" #include "f20open.h" #include "fatal.h" #include "fillrect.h" #include "findpost.h" #include "fixpos.h" #include "fontfile.h" #include "fontsub.h" #include "getbmap.h" #include "getbytes.h" #include "getfntdf.h" #include "getpgtab.h" #include "initglob.h" #include "inch.h" #include "loadchar.h" #include "movedown.h" #include "moveover.h" #include "moveto.h" #include "nosignex.h" #include "openfont.h" #include "option.h" /*-->outline*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** outline *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void outline(pbit) UNSIGN32 *pbit; /* pointer to raster line */ /************************************************************************* Use machine-specific coding here for efficiency. For TOPS-20, we encode 9 bytes from every pair of 36-bit words. For each raster line on the paper, the Laser Jet expects a binary 8-bit byte stream of the form <ESC>*bnnnWxxxxxxx ... xxxxxxx <--- nnn bytes ---> where each byte contains, in order from high to low bit, a left-to-right bit pattern. No end-of-line marker is required; the escape sequence automatically causes a new raster line to be started. *************************************************************************/ { register UNSIGN32 w_even,w_odd; register UNSIGN32 *p; register BYTE *pbuf; BYTE buf[1+(XSIZE+7)/8]; /* space for EOS + n 8-bit bytes */ register INT16 i,last_word; #if (IBM_PC_MICROSOFT & !OS_IBMOS2) for (last_word = XBIT - 1; (last_word >= 1) && (*(UNSIGN32*)normaddr(pbit,last_word) == 0); --last_word) ; /* trim white space a word at a time */ #else p = pbit + XBIT - 1; /* point to last word on line */ for (last_word = XBIT - 1; (last_word >= 1) && (*p == 0); --last_word) --p; /* trim white space a word at a time */ #endif p = pbit; pbuf = &buf[0]; for (i = 0; i <= last_word; i += 2) /* loop over trimmed raster */ { w_even = (*p++); w_odd = (*p++); #if (HOST_WORD_SIZE == 36) *pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_even >> 28) & 0xff); *pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_even >> 20) & 0xff); *pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_even >> 12) & 0xff); *pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_even >> 4) & 0xff); *pbuf++ = (BYTE)( ((w_even << 4) | (w_odd >> 32)) & 0xff); *pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_odd >> 24) & 0xff); *pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_odd >> 16) & 0xff); *pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_odd >> 8) & 0xff); *pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_odd ) & 0xff); #else /* HOST_WORD_SIZE == 32 */ /* encode 8 bytes at a time on 32-bit machines */ *pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_even >> 24) & 0xff); *pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_even >> 16) & 0xff); *pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_even >> 8) & 0xff); *pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_even ) & 0xff); *pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_odd >> 24) & 0xff); *pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_odd >> 16) & 0xff); *pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_odd >> 8) & 0xff); *pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_odd ) & 0xff); #endif } *pbuf = '\0'; /* trailing EOS marker */ last_word |= 1; /* make last_word ODD */ for (i = ((last_word+1)*HOST_WORD_SIZE)/8; (*(--pbuf) == '\0') && (i > 1); --i) ; /* trim trailing zero bytes, leaving at least one */ last_word = i; /* Raster header for DeskJet ????? */ OUTF("\033*b%dW",(int)last_word); pbuf = &buf[0]; /* cannot use fprintf with %s format because of NUL's in string, and it is slow anyway */ for (i = 0; i < last_word; ++pbuf,++i) OUTC(*pbuf); } /*-->prtbmap*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** prtbmap *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void prtbmap() { register UNSIGN32 *p; register INT16 j,k,ybottom,ytop; if (DBGOPT(DBG_PAGE_DUMP)) { INT16 k1,k2,k3; for (k3 = 0; k3 < XBIT; (k3 += 7, ++p)) { /* print bitmap 7 words at a pass */ k1 = k3; k2 = MIN(XBIT,k1+7); (void)printf("prtbmap()...bitmap words %d..%d",k1,k2-1); NEWLINE(stdout); (void)printf(" "); for (k = k1; k < k2; ++k) (void)printf("%10d",k*HOST_WORD_SIZE); NEWLINE(stdout); for (j = YBIT-1; j >= 0; --j) { p = BITMAP(j,0); for (k = 0; k < XBIT; (++k,++p)) { if (*p) /* print non-blank raster line */ { p = BITMAP(j,k1); (void)printf("%5d:",j); for (k = k1; k < k2; (++k,++p)) (void)printf(" %09lx",*p); NEWLINE(stdout); break; /* exit loop over k */ } } } } } (void)clearerr(plotfp); #if ZAPTHISOUT k = -1; /* find top non-zero raster */ for (j = YBIT-1; (j > 0) && (k < 0); --j) /* loop over raster lines */ { p = BITMAP(j,XBIT-1); for (k = XBIT - 1; ((k >= 0) && (*p == 0)); --k) --p; /* trim white space */ } ytop = j; #else ytop = YBIT-1; #endif k = -1; /* find bottom non-zero raster */ for (j = 0; (j < ytop) && (k < 0); ++j) /* loop over raster lines */ { #if IBM_PC_MICROSOFT for (k = XBIT - 1;((k >= 0) && (*BITMAP(j,k) == 0));--k) ; /* trim white space */ #else p = BITMAP(j,XBIT-1); for (k = XBIT - 1; ((k >= 0) && (*p == 0)); --k) --p; /* trim white space */ #endif } ybottom = MAX(0,j-1); #if ZAPTHISOUT for (j = ytop; (j >= ybottom); --j) { OUTF("%5d:",(int)j); for (k = 0; k < XBIT; ++k) OUTF(" %9x",*BITMAP(j,k)); NEWLINE(plotfp); } #endif OUTF("\033&l%dX",(int)copies); /* number of copies */ OUTS("\033*r1A"); /* start plot at current position */ for (j = ytop; (j >= ybottom) ; --j) /* loop over raster lines */ outline(BITMAP(j,0)); OUTS("\033*rB\f"); /* end raster graphics, eject page */ (void)fflush(plotfp); if (DISKFULL(plotfp)) (void)fatal("Output error -- disk storage probably full"); } #include "outrow.h" #include "prtpage.h" #include "readfont.h" #include "readgf.h" #include "readpk.h" #include "readpost.h" #include "readpxl.h" #include "reldfont.h" #include "rulepxl.h" #include "setchar.h" #include "setfntnm.h" #include "setrule.h" #include "signex.h" #include "skgfspec.h" #include "skipfont.h" #include "skpkspec.h" #include "special.h" #include "strchr.h" #include "strcm2.h" #include "strid2.h" #include "strrchr.h" #include "tctos.h" #include "usage.h" #include "warning.h"