/* -*-C-*- machdefs.h */
/****************************** machdefs ******************************/


This file should contain definitions for symbols used for all  operating
system /  implementation  dependencies, and  if  the driver  family  has
already been implemented on  you machine, this should  be the only  file
requiring changes.

How to change this file:
        * locate the operating system and implementation definitions;
          they are surrounded by "=====" comment strings.
        * comment out the definitions you do not want, and select the
          ones for your system
        * if adding a new operating system, create a new symbol OS_xxx
          for it and add a new #if OS_xxx ... #endif section for its
        * if adding a new implementation for an existing operating
          system, create a new symbol for it and add appropriate
          conditionals inside its #if OS_xxx ... #end section.
        * if you must replace a standard C library function, replace
          instances of its use in the source code with an upper-case
          equivalent (e.g. ungetc --> UNGETC), then define the
          upper-case name below in the generic section, plus the
          operating-system section.


List of symbols actually used for #if's [14-Aug-87]

Flags and strings:
        ALLOW_INTERRUPT -- allow interactive interrupt
        ANSI_PROTOTYPES -- draft ANSI C function prototype declarations are
        ANSI_LIBRARY    -- draft ANSI C library functions conformance
        ARITHRSHIFT     -- implementation uses arithmetic (not logical) right
        DVIHELP         -- how to find documentation (for usage())
        DVIPREFIX       -- prefix to standard 3-character extension of output
                           and log files
        FASTZERO        -- fast bitmap zeroing by external assembly language
        FONTLIST        -- font type search list (PK, GF, PXL)
        FONTPATH        -- font directory path
        HIRES           -- high resolution variant of bitmap output
        HOST_WORD_SIZE  -- host integer word size in bits
        PS_MAXWIDTH     -- approximate line width limit for PostScript output
        PS_SHORTLINES   -- shorter output lines in PostScript
        PS_XONXOFFBUG   -- PostScript version 23.0 Xon/Xoff bug workaround
        PXLID           -- TeX PXL file ID
        RB_OPEN         -- fopen() mode flags for binary read
        SEGMEM          -- segmented memory (Intel); bitmap is raster vector
        STDRES          -- standard resolution (200 dpi)
        SUBPATH         -- substitution font file path
        TEXFONTS        -- TeX font file path environment variable
        TEXINPUTS       -- TeX input file path environment variable
        USEGLOBALMAG    -- allow runtime global magnification scaling
        VIRTUAL_FONTS   -- implement virtual font caching
        WB_OPEN         -- fopen() mode flags for binary write
        ZAPTHISOUT      -- remove some obsolete code

Alternate library routines  for misfeature workarounds  (these have  the
same names as standard library routines, but upper-cased):

C Implementations:
        ATT             -- AT&T Unix (System III, V)
        BSD41           -- Berkeley 4.1BSD
        BSD42           -- Berkeley 4.2BSD
        HPUX            -- HP 9000 series Unix (System V based)
        IBM_PC_LATTICE  -- IBM PC Lattice C compiler
        IBM_PC_MICROSOFT-- IBM PC Microsoft Version 3.x or later C compiler
        IBM_PC_WIZARD   -- IBM PC Wizard C compiler
        KCC_20          -- SRI's KCC Compiler on TOPS-20
        PCC_20          -- Portable C Compiler on TOPS-20

Operating systems:
        OS_ATARI        -- Atari 520ST+ TOS (similar to MS DOS)
        OS_PCDOS        -- IBM (and clones) PC DOS and MS DOS
        OS_IBMOS2       -- IBM (and clones) IBM OS/2 and MS OS/2
        OS_TOPS20       -- DEC-20 TOPS-20
        OS_UNIX         -- Unix (almost any variant)
        OS_VAXVMS       -- VAX VMS

Device names (defined in each DVIxxx.C file):
        APPLEIMAGEWRITER -- Apple ImageWriter printer
        BBNBITGRAPH     -- BBN BitGraph terminal
        CANON_A2        -- Canon LBP-8 A2 laser printer
        DECLA75         -- DEC LA75 printer
        DECLN03PLUS     -- DEC LN03-PLUS laser printer
        EPSON           -- Epson 9-pin family dot-matrix printer
        GOLDENDAWNGL100 -- Golden Dawn GL100 laser printer
        HPJETPLUS       -- Hewlett-Packard Laser Jet Plus (downloaded fonts)
        HPLASERJET      -- Hewlett-Packard Laser Jet (bitmap display)
        IMPRESS         -- imPRESS (IMAGEN laser printer)
        MPISPRINTER     -- MPI Sprinter printer
        OKIDATA2410     -- OKIData 2410 printer
        POSTSCRIPT      -- Adobe PostScript (Apple LaserWriter laser printer)
        PRINTRONIX      -- Printronix (DEC LXY-11, C-Itoh) printer
        TOSHIBAP1351    -- Toshiba P-1351 dot matrix printer


Define all symbols for devices, operating systems, and implementations
to be explicitly 0, unless it is expected that they might be set at
compile time.


#ifndef ANSI_LIBRARY            /* may be specified at compile time */
#define ANSI_LIBRARY    0

#define ANSI_PROTOTYPES 1       /* If library conforms, declarations do too */

#define ARITHRSHIFT     1 /* most C compilers use arithmetic right shift */
#define DISKFULL(fp)    (ferror(fp) && (errno == ENOSPC))
#define DVIEXT          ".dvi"
#define DVIPREFIX       "dvi-"
#define EXIT            exit
#define FASTZERO        0

/* The following definitions work for at least PCC-20, BSD 4.2 and  4.3,
and HPUX;  VAX  VMS  has  an extra  level  of  indirection.   Check  the
definition of fileno(fp) in stdio.h; on PCC-20, it is
        #define fileno(p) ((p)->_file)
#define FILE_CNT(fp)    (fp)->_cnt
#define FILE_BASE(fp)   (fp)->_base
#define FILE_PTR(fp)    (fp)->_ptr

/* #define FONTLIST     0 -- can be set at compile time */
/* #define FONTPATH     0 -- can be set at compile time */

#define FOPEN           fopen
#define FSEEK           fseek
#define FTELL           ftell
#define GETENV          getenv
#define HIRES           0
#define MALLOC(n)       malloc(n)
#define MAXDRIFT        2       /* we insist that
                                abs|(hh-pixel_round(h))<=MAXDRIFT| */

/* MAXOPEN  should  be 6  less  than the  system  limit on  open  files,
allowing for  files  open  on stdin,  stdout,  stderr,  .dvi,  .dvi-log,
.dvi-xxx, plus MAXOPEN font  files.  It may  be additionally limited  by
the amount of memory available for buffers (e.g. IBM PC). */
#define MAXOPEN         14

/* #define PS_MAXWIDTH  72 -- can be set at compile time */

/* #define PS_SHORTLINES 0 -- can be set at compile time */

#define PS_XONXOFFBUG   0
#define PXLID           0
#define RB_OPEN         "r"

/* For virtual font caching to succeed, read() must return the requested
number of bytes, and  preferably do this  with one system   call  and no
double buffering. */

#define READ            read

/* In  many  implementations, rewind(fp)  is  defined as  equivalent  to
fseek(fp,0L,0).  In  some, however  (e.g.  PCC-20,  and probably  others
based on PCC), it additionally discards input buffer contents, which may
cause unnecessary I/O, and in the case of virtual font caching,   clears
the cache.  Defining  it in  terms of fseek()  should be  okay, but  the
implementation of fseek() should be checked. */

#define REWIND(fp)      FSEEK(fp,0L,0)

#define SEGMEM          0       /* may be reset by dvixxx for big bitmaps */
#define STDRES          0

/* #define SUBPATH      0 -- can be set at compile time */

#define SUBEXT          ".sub"
#define SUBNAME         "texfonts"

/* #define TEXFONTS     0 -- can be set at compile time */
/* #define TEXINPUTS    0 -- can be set at compile time */

#define UNGETC          ungetc
#define USEGLOBALMAG    0
#define WB_OPEN         "w"
#define ZAPTHISOUT      0

/* Clear all implementation/operating-system flags--reset later */

#define ATT             0       /* define zero or one of these */
#define BSD41           0
#define BSD42           0
#define HPUX            0
#define IBM_PC_LATTICE  0
#define IBM_PC_MICROSOFT        0
#define IBM_PC_WIZARD   0
#define KCC_20          0
#define PCC_20          0

#define OS_ATARI        0       /* define one of these */
#define OS_IBMOS2       0
#define OS_PCDOS        0
#define OS_TOPS20       0
#define OS_UNIX         0
#define OS_VAXVMS       0

#define APPLEIMAGEWRITER        0       /* one will be defined by DVIxxx */
#define BBNBITGRAPH     0
#define CANON_A2        0
#define DECLA75         0
#define DECLN03PLUS     0
#define EPSON           0
#define GOLDENDAWNGL100 0
#define HPJETPLUS       0
#define HPLASERJET      0
#define IMPRESS         0
#define MPISPRINTER     0
#define OKIDATA2410     0
#define POSTSCRIPT      0
#define PRINTRONIX      0
#define TOSHIBAP1351    0
#define VIRTUAL_FONTS   0

Define operating system and implementation  here.  Since these have  all
been explicitly set  to 0  above, we  issue #undef's  to avoid  compiler
macro redefinition warning messages.

#undef PCC_20
#undef OS_TOPS20
#define PCC_20          1
#define OS_TOPS20       1

#undef KCC_20
#undef OS_TOPS20
#define KCC_20          1
#define OS_TOPS20       1

#undef  OS_ATARI
#define OS_ATARI        1

#undef  OS_PCDOS
#define IBM_PC_LATTICE  1
#define OS_PCDOS        1

#undef  OS_PCDOS
#define IBM_PC_MICROSOFT        1
#define OS_PCDOS        1

#undef OS_IBMOS2
#define OS_IBMOS2 1

#undef  OS_PCDOS
#define IBM_PC_WIZARD   1
#define OS_PCDOS        1

#undef  OS_VAXVMS
#define OS_VAXVMS       1

#undef  OS_UNIX
#define OS_UNIX         1               /* provide default operating system */


#if    OS_ATARI

#undef  BSD42
#define BSD42           1

#undef  DISKFULL
#define DISKFULL(fp)    ferror(fp)

#define DVIHELP         "type e:\\tex\\dvi.hlp"

#ifdef  FONTLIST        /* can be set at compile time */
#define FONTLIST        "PK-GF-PXL"     /* preferred search order */
#endif /* FONTLIST */

#ifdef FONTPATH                 /* can be set at compile time */
#define FONTPATH        "e:\\tex\\fonts\\"

#define HOST_WORD_SIZE  32      /* must be 32 or larger -- used in */
                                /* signex to pack 8-bit bytes back */
                                /* into integer values, and in dispchar */
                                /* and fillrect for managing character */
                                /* raster storage. */
#define MAXFNAME        64      /* longest host complete filename */

#define PS_MAXWIDTH     72

#define PS_SHORTLINES   1

#ifdef SUBPATH                  /* can be set at compile time */
#define SUBPATH         "e:\\tex\\inputs\\"

#ifdef TEXINPUTS                /* can be set at compile time */

#define TEXFONTS        "TEXFONTS"

#endif /* OS_ATARI */


#if    (OS_PCDOS | OS_IBMOS2)


Argument type checking in MSC Version 4.0 is selected by LINT_ARGS.
MSC Version 5.0 has it selected by default.  For Version 5.0,
ANSI_LIBRARY should be defined at compile time so as to get
ANSI-conformant library function declarations.
Treating float as double eliminates lots of data conversion warnings with
both Versions 4.0 and 5.0.
#define float double
#define LINT_ARGS       1

#undef MALLOC
#define MALLOC(n)       calloc(n,1)
#endif /* IBM_PC_MICROSOFT */

#define DVIHELP         "type d:\\tex\\dvi.hlp"

#define DVIPREFIX       ""

#ifdef FONTLIST         /* can be set at compile time */
#define FONTLIST        "PK-GF-PXL"     /* preferred search order */
#endif /* FONTLIST */

#ifdef FONTPATH                 /* can be set at compile time */
#define FONTPATH        "d:\\tex\\fonts\\"
#endif /* FONTPATH */

#define HOST_WORD_SIZE  32      /* must be 32 or larger -- used in */
                                /* signex to pack 8-bit bytes back */
                                /* into integer values, and in dispchar */
                                /* and fillrect for managing character */
                                /* raster storage. */
#define MAXFNAME        64      /* longest host complete filename */

#undef MAXOPEN
#define MAXOPEN         5       /* limit on number of open font files */

#define PS_MAXWIDTH     72

#define PS_SHORTLINES   1

#undef  RB_OPEN
#define RB_OPEN         "rb"

#ifdef SUBPATH                  /* can be set at compile time */
#define SUBPATH         "d:\\tex\\inputs\\"

#if    TEXINPUTS                /* can be set at compile time */

#define TEXFONTS        "TEXFONTS"

#define VIRTUAL_FONTS   1

#undef  WB_OPEN
#define WB_OPEN         "wb"

#endif /* OS_PCDOS | OS_IBMOS2*/

#if    OS_TOPS20

**  Adapted for the DEC-20 TOPS-20  operating system with Jay  Lepreau's
**  PCC-20  by  Nelson  H.F.    Beebe,  College  of  Science   Computer,
**  University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, Tel: (801) 581-5254.
**  The PCC_20 switch is  used to get around  variations on the  DEC-20.
**  The major one is  that text files have  7-bit bytes, while the  .DVI
**  file and the font files have 8-bit bytes.  For the latter, we use  a
**  routine f20open which provides  the necessary interface for  opening
**  with a ddifferent byte size.  PCC-20 follows many other C  compilers
**  in that only the first 8 characters of identifiers are looked at, so
**  massive substitutions  were  necessary  in the  file  commands.h  to
**  shorten the long names there.
**  The PCC_20 switch is also used  to get variant font directory  names
**  and to select TOPS-20 jsys  code.  TOPS-20 is a wonderous  operating
**  system with  capabilities far  beyond  most of  its  contemporaries.
**  Like Topsy, it  just grew, and  consequently, its many  capabilities
**  are not  well  integrated.   The terminal  control  jsys'es  (MTOPR,
**  RFMOD, SFMOD, STPAR, RFCOC, SFCOC and TLINK) are particularly poorly
**  done -- RFMOD returns  the JFN mode word,  particular bits of  which
**  must be set by SFMOD,  STPAR, and TLINK.  Why  could there not be  a
**  "return  the  terminal  state"  and  "restore  the  terminal  state"
**  jsys'es?  Some of this  may in fact be  already integrated into  the
**  PCC-20 C run-time library, but since it is totally undocumented  (an
**  all-too common problem with C),  it is essentially unusable in  that
**  form.
**  The OS_TOPS20 switch is used in one place to get ioctl.h included at
**  the right point, and in several places to get error messages  output
**  with Tops-20 conventions in  column 1: query  (?)  causes batch  job
**  abort, percent (%) flags a warning.

#if    KCC_20
/* KCC wants all #if symbols defined before use. */
#ifndef FONTLIST

#ifndef FONTPATH

#ifndef SUBPATH

#ifndef TEXFONTS


#define VIRTUAL_FONTS 0         /* cannot support this yet */


#if    KCC_20
#include <jsys.h>
/* KCC-20 and PCC-20  have similar enough JSYS  interfaces that we  just
define values for KCC-20 using PCC-20 names. */
#define JSchfdb CHFDB
#define JSmtopr MTOPR
#define JSrfcoc RFCOC
#define JSrfmod RFMOD
#define JSsfcoc SFCOC
#define JSsfmod SFMOD
#define JSsti   STI
#define JSstpar STPAR
#define JStlink TLINK
#define Getmask(name)    ( 1?name )
#define Getshift(name)   ( 0?name )
#define Absmask(name) ( (1?name) << (0?name) )    /* maybe use this one */
#define Value(name)   ( (1?name) << (0?name) )    /* maybe use this one */
#define makefield(name, value)  ( ((value) & Getmask(name)) << Getshift(name) )
#define getfield(var, name)     ( (var) >> Getshift(name) & Getmask(name) )
#define setfield(var, name, value) ( (var) = ((var) & ~Absmask(name)) |\
        makefield(name, value) )

#if    PCC_20
#define ARITHRSHIFT     0       /* PCC-20 uses logical right shift */
#undef  DISKFULL
#define DISKFULL(fp)    ferror(fp)      /* PCC-20 does not always set errno */

#define DVIHELP "help dvi\nor\ntype hlp:dvi.hlp\nor\nxinfo local clsc dvi"

#if    PCC_20
#define FASTZERO        1       /* for fast assembly language memory zeroing */

#ifdef FONTLIST         /* can be set at compile time */
#define FONTLIST        "PK-GF-PXL"     /* preferred search order */
#endif /* FONTLIST */

#ifdef FONTPATH                 /* can be set at compile time */
#define FONTPATH        "/texfonts/"

#undef FOPEN
#define FOPEN           f20open /* private version for 8-bit binary */

#define HOST_WORD_SIZE  36

#define MAXFNAME        256     /* longest host complete filename */

#ifdef KCC_20
#undef MAXOPEN
#define MAXOPEN         26

#ifdef PCC_20
#undef MAXOPEN
#define MAXOPEN         14

#define PS_MAXWIDTH     72

#define PS_SHORTLINES   1

#undef  RB_OPEN
#define RB_OPEN         "rb"

#ifdef PCC_20
#undef READ
#define READ            _read   /* fast version with one system call */
                                /* and single buffering */
#ifdef SUBPATH
#define SUBPATH         "/texinputs/"

#ifdef TEXFONTS                 /* can be set at compile time */
#define TEXFONTS        "TEXFONTS"

#ifdef TEXINPUTS                /* can be set at compile time */

#if    PCC_20
#define VIRTUAL_FONTS   1

#undef  WB_OPEN
#define WB_OPEN         "wb"

/* The following definitions (down to the endif) are taken from */
/* monsym.h.   It is too big for CPP to handle, so this kludge is */
/* necessary until CPP's tables can be enlarged. */

/* selected fields for CHFDB% */
#define CF_nud          01:35-0         /* no update directory */
#define CF_dsp          0777:35-17      /* fdb displacement */
#define CF_jfn          0777777:35-35   /* jfn */

#define FBbyv           011             /* retention+bytesize+mode,,# of pages*/
#define FB_ret          077:35-5        /* retention count */

/* tty mode definitions */

#define MOrlw           030             /* read width */
#define MOslw           031             /* set width */
#define MOrll           032             /* read length */
#define MOsll           033             /* set length */

#define MOsnt           034             /* set tty non-terminal status */
#define MOsmn           01              /* no system messages(i.e. suppress) */
#define MOsmy           00              /* yes system messages(default) */
#define MOrnt           035             /* read tty non-terminal status */

/* fields of jfn mode word */

#define TT_osp          01:35-0         /* output suppress */
#define TT_mff          01:35-1         /* mechanical formfeed present */
#define TT_tab          01:35-2         /* mechanical tab present */
#define TT_lca          01:35-3         /* lower case capabilities present */
#define TT_len          0177:35-10      /* page length */
#define TT_wid          0177:35-17      /* page width */
#define TT_wak          017:35-23       /* wakeup field */
#define TT_wk0          01:35-18        /* wakeup class 0 (unused) */
#define TT_ign          01:35-19        /* ignore tt_wak on sfmod */
#define TT_wkf          01:35-20        /* wakeup on formating control chars */
#define TT_wkn          01:35-21        /* wakeup on non-formatting controls */
#define TT_wkp          01:35-22        /* wakeup on punctuation */
#define TT_wka          01:35-23        /* wakeup on alphanumerics */
#define TT_eco          01:35-24        /* echos on */
#define TT_ecm          01:35-25        /* echo mode */
#define TT_alk          01:35-26        /* allow links */
#define TT_aad          01:35-27        /* allow advice (not implemented) */
#define TT_dam          03:35-29        /* data mode */
#define TTbin           00              /* binary */
#define TTasc           01              /* ascii */
#define TTato           02              /* ascii and translate output only */
#define TTate           03              /* ascii and translate echos only */
#define TT_uoc          01:35-30        /* upper case output control */
#define TT_lic          01:35-31        /* lower case input control */
#define TT_dum          03:35-33        /* duplex mode */
#define TTfdx           00              /* full duplex */
#define TT0dx           01              /* not used, reserved */
#define TThdx           02              /* half duplex (character) */
#define TTldx           03              /* line half duplex */
#define TT_pgm          01:35-34        /* page mode */
#define TT_car          01:35-35        /* carrier state */

/* tlink */

#define TL_cro          01:35-0         /* clear remote to object link */
#define TL_cor          01:35-1         /* clear object to remote link */
#define TL_eor          01:35-2         /* establist object to remote link */
#define TL_ero          01:35-3         /* establish remote to object link */
#define TL_sab          01:35-4         /* set accept bit for object */
#define TL_abs          01:35-5         /* accept bit state */
#define TL_sta          01:35-6         /* set or clear advice */
#define TL_aad          01:35-7         /* accept advice */
#define TL_obj          0777777:35-35   /* object designator */

#endif /* OS_TOPS20 */

#if    OS_UNIX

#undef BSD42
#define BSD42           1               /* want DVISPOOL code in dviterm.h */

#define DVIHELP         "man dvi\nor\napropos dvi"

#ifdef FONTLIST         /* can be set at compile time */
#define FONTLIST        "PK-GF-PXL"     /* preferred search order */
#endif /* FONTLIST */

#ifdef FONTPATH                 /* can be set at compile time */
#define FONTPATH        "/usr/lib/tex/fonts/"

#undef MAXOPEN

#if    HPUX
#define MAXFNAME        1024    /* longest host complete filename */
#define MAXOPEN         50
#else  /* NOT HPUX */
#define MAXFNAME        256     /* longest host complete filename */
#define MAXOPEN         14
#endif /* HPUX */

#define PS_MAXWIDTH     72

#define PS_SHORTLINES   1       /* some Unix utilities fail with long lines */

#ifdef SUBPATH                  /* can be set at compile time */
#define SUBPATH         "/usr/lib/tex/macros/"

#if    TEXINPUTS                /* can be set at compile time */

#if    TEXFONTS                 /* can be set at compile time */
#define TEXFONTS        "TEXFONTS"

#define HOST_WORD_SIZE  32      /* must be 32 or larger -- used in */
                                /* signex to pack 8-bit bytes back */
                                /* into integer values, and in dispchar */
                                /* and fillrect for managing character */
                                /* raster storage. */
#endif /* OS_UNIX */


#if    OS_VAXVMS

** Several standard Unix library functions do not work properly with VMS
** C, or are not implemented:
**      exit()          -- wrong conventions for return code
**      fseek()         -- fails on record-oriented files
**      ftell()         -- fails on record-oriented files
**      getchar()       -- waits for <CR> to be typed
**      getenv()        -- colon- and case-sensitive
**      getlogin()      -- not implemented
**      qsort()         -- not implemented
**      tell()          -- not implemented
**      ungetc()        -- fails for any character with high-order bit set
**      unlink()        -- not implemented (equivalent available)
** The  file  VAXVMS.C  contains   workarounds;  it  must  be   compiled
** separately and loaded with each of the DVI drivers.

#include <jpidef.h>             /* need for getjpi() in openfont() */

#define DVIHELP         "help dvi\nor\ntype tex_inputs:dvi.hlp"
#define EXIT            vms_exit

#define FILE_CNT(fp)    (*fp)->_cnt
#define FILE_BASE(fp)   (*fp)->_base
#define FILE_PTR(fp)    (*fp)->_ptr

#ifndef FONTLIST                /* can be set at compile time */
#define FONTLIST        "PK-GF-PXL"     /* preferred search order */
#endif /* FONTLIST */

#ifndef FONTPATH                /* can be set at compile time */
#define FONTPATH        "TEX_FONTS:" /* Kellerman & Smith VMS TeX */
#endif /* FONTPATH */

#define FSEEK           vms_fseek
#define FTELL           vms_ftell
#define GETENV          vms_getenv
#define HOST_WORD_SIZE  32      /* must be 32 or larger -- used in */
                                /* signex to pack 8-bit bytes back */
                                /* into integer values, and in dispchar */
                                /* and fillrect for managing character */
                                /* raster storage. */

#define MAXFNAME        256     /* longest host complete filename */

#undef MAXOPEN
#define MAXOPEN         14

#undef  RB_OPEN
#define RB_OPEN         "rb"

#define PS_MAXWIDTH     72

#define PS_SHORTLINES   1       /* VMS has trouble with long lines */

#define READ            vms_read /* ordinary read() returns only one disk */
                                /* at each call */

#ifndef SUBPATH                 /* can be set at compile time */
#define SUBPATH         "TEX_INPUTS:" /* Kellerman & Smith VMS TeX */

#ifndef TEXINPUTS               /* can be set at compile time */
#define TEXINPUTS       "TEX_INPUTS:"

#ifndef TEXFONTS                /* can be set at compile time */
#define TEXFONTS        "TEX_FONTS:"

#define UNGETC          vms_ungetc

/* VIRTUAL_FONTS cannot be implemented  yet.  The code  works, but the
calls to FSEEK() (vms_seek) result in _filbuf() being called to refill
the buffer, obviating the pre-buffering.  Additional code in case 0 of
vms_seek() can probably be developed to avoid this, but I have run out
of time for now. */

#undef  WB_OPEN
#define WB_OPEN         "wb"

#endif /* OS_VAXVMS */
