============================================================ The EPM TeX Front End version 5.4 2004-07-25 ============================================================ Walter Schmidt <epmtfe (at) gmx.net> The EPM TeX Front End is an additional module for the OS/2 `Enhanced Editor' (EPM). It turns the EPM into an integrated TeX environment, providing (La)TeXing, previewing, executing BibTeX, makeindex etc. from the EPM menu. The TeX Front End is primarily intended for use with the TeX system VTeX/2 <http://www.micropress-inc.com/os2>. A version, that works also with traditional TeX systems such as emTeX, can be compiled from the E language sources. Remarkable features are: * (La)TeX errors are highlighted in the document source * optional TeXing of a marked region of a file * support for multi-file documents * optional LaTeX syntax assist * Postscript support (dvips conversion on-the-fly) * maintenance of the path cache (file name database) for VTeX * user-definable menu items * OS/2 shell and WPS interface * stable, reliable, and esay to use * available with either English or German user interface Download the archive file tfe.zip and the documentation file tfe.pdf; then follow the instructions in the documentation file. The E language sources of the TeX Front End are available from the archive file source.zip. == finis