
Alfred~V. Aho, Brain~W. Kernighan, and Peter~J. Weinberger.
\newblock {\em The {AWK} Programming Language}.
\newblock Addison Wesley, Reading, MA, USA, 1988.

Diane~Barlow Close, Arnold~D. Robbins, Paul~H. Rubin, and Richard Stallman.
\newblock {\em The {GAWK} Manual}.
\newblock Free Software Foundation, 675 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA
  02139, USA, version 0.11 beta edition, October 1989.

Daniel Gilly.
\newblock {\em UNIX in a Nutsell}.
\newblock O'Reilly \& Associates, Sebastopol, CA, USA, {System V} edition,

Norman Ramsey.
\newblock Literate programming simplified.
\newblock {\em IEEE Software}, pages 97--105, September 1994.

Randal~L. Schwartz.
\newblock {\em Learning perl}.
\newblock O'Reilly \& Associates, Sebastopol, CA, USA, 1993.

Larry Wall and Randal~L. Schwartz.
\newblock {\em Programming perl}.
\newblock O'Reilly \& Associates, Sebastopol, CA, USA, 1991.
