# The definition of forge is commented out so we can run mtpk from # the current directory. Remove the crosshatch before installing # on its final place. And adapt the definitions of the TeX paths # to your system defaults. rendors = mf386+ps2pk EMTEXDIR = c:\emtex DVIDRVFONTS = c:\texfonts MFINPUT = %EMTEXDIR%\mfinput!! mfipath = %MFINPUT% TEXFONTS = %EMTEXDIR%\tfm!! tfmpath = %TEXFONTS% VFFONTS = %DVIDRVFONTS%\vf!! vfpath = %VFFONTS% TEXCONFIG = .;%EMTEXDIR%\ps texconfig = %TEXCONFIG% PSRESOURCEPATH = .;%EMTEXDIR%\dvips psrespath = %PSRESOURCEPATH% tolerance = 1+%d/500 forge = c:\tmp\mtpk.%u oldfonts = 1 # use this if you use PS fonts older than 1995/08/11 [ # default printer res = 300 mode = laserjet pkpath = %DVIDRVFONTS%\pixel.lj\%ddpi\%f.pk flipath = %DVIDRVFONTS%;lj_base ]