%% degrade.sty
%% � 2002 by Peter M�nster
%% A package, that degrades JPEG images on the fly to decrease the size of the
%% resulting PostScript or PDF file. You'll need the convert utility from the
%% ImageMagick bundle and the jpeg2ps program from CTAN if you don't use VTeX.
%% It may be distributed under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public
%% License (http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt).
%% Commands:
%% \DegSetup{key=value,...} Known keys are:
%% * res to set the resolution in dpi (default=100, example: res=300)
%% * dir to set the directory where to put the resized jpeg files
%%   (default=degrade)
%% * sdir to set the directory where images should be found in general
%%   (default: current directory)
%% \degimage[w|h]{width or height}{image} Use this instead of \includegraphics
%% to include your image.
%% example 1: \degimage{\linewidth}{flower},
%% example 2: \degimage[h]{0.5\textheight}{power}

%% default values:
\newcommand*\Deg@Res{100}%     220 is good for seminar with 1024x768 display
\newcommand*\Deg@Dir{degrade}% directory for degraded images
\newcommand*\Deg@SDir{.}%      source directory



\ifvtex\else\def\command{\immediate\write18}\typeout{You have to run LaTeX
  with the --shell-escape option.}\fi

\newcommand\degimage[3][w]{\setlength\@TEMPW{#2}\command{degrade.sh #1 #3
	JPG\else EPS\fi}\if#1w\def\Deg@WH{width}\else\def\Deg@WH{height}\fi