 *  This file is part of
 *	MakeIndex - A formatter and format independent index processor
 *  Copyright (C) 1989 by Chen & Harrison International Systems, Inc.
 *  Copyright (C) 1988 by Olivetti Research Center
 *  Copyright (C) 1987 by Regents of the University of California
 *  Author:
 *	Pehong Chen
 *	Chen & Harrison International Systems, Inc.
 *	Palo Alto, California
 *	USA
 *	(phc@renoir.berkeley.edu or chen@orc.olivetti.com)
 *  Contributors:
 *	Please refer to the CONTRIB file that comes with this release
 *	for a list of people who have contributed to this and/or previous
 *	release(s) of MakeIndex.
 *  All rights reserved by the copyright holders.  See the copyright
 *  notice distributed with this software for a complete description of
 *  the conditions under which it is made available.

#include    "mkind.h"

static	long	idx_gc;

static	int	check_mixsym ARGS((char *x,char *y));
static	int	compare ARGS((struct KFIELD * *a,struct KFIELD * *b));
static	int	compare_one ARGS((char *x,char *y));
static	int	compare_page ARGS((struct KFIELD * *a,struct KFIELD * *b));
static	int	compare_string ARGS((unsigned char *a,unsigned char *b));
static	int	new_strcmp ARGS((unsigned char *a, unsigned char *b,
				 int option));

    MESSAGE("Sorting entries...", "");
    idx_dc = 0;
    idx_gc = 0L;
    qqsort((char *) idx_key, (int) idx_gt, (int) sizeof(FIELD_PTR), 
	(int (*) ARGS((char*,char*)))compare);
    MESSAGE("done (%ld comparisons).\n", idx_gc);

static int
#if STDC
compare(FIELD_PTR *a, FIELD_PTR *b)
compare(a, b)
    int     i;
    int     dif;


    for (i = 0; i < FIELD_MAX; i++) {
	/* compare the sort fields */
	if ((dif = compare_one((*a)->sf[i], (*b)->sf[i])) != 0)

	/* compare the actual fields */
	if ((dif = compare_one((*a)->af[i], (*b)->af[i])) != 0)

    /* both key aggregates are identical, compare page numbers */
    if (i == FIELD_MAX)
	dif = compare_page(a, b);
    return (dif);

static int
#if STDC
compare_one(char *x,char *y)
compare_one(x, y)
char   *x;
char   *y;
    int     m;
    int     n;

    if ((x[0] == NUL) && (y[0] == NUL))
	return (0);

    if (x[0] == NUL)
	return (-1);

    if (y[0] == NUL)
	return (1);

    m = group_type(x);
    n = group_type(y);

    /* both pure digits */
    if ((m >= 0) && (n >= 0))
	return (m - n);

    /* x digit, y non-digit */
    if (m >= 0) {
	if (german_sort)
	    return (1);
	    return ((n == -1) ? 1 : -1);
    /* x non-digit, y digit */
    if (n >= 0) {
	if (german_sort)
	    return (-1);
	    return ((m == -1) ? -1 : 1);
    /* strings started with a symbol (including digit) */
    if ((m == SYMBOL) && (n == SYMBOL))
	return (check_mixsym(x, y));

    /* x symbol, y non-symbol */
    if (m == SYMBOL)
	return (-1);

    /* x non-symbol, y symbol */
    if (n == SYMBOL)
	return (1);

    /* strings with a leading letter, the ALPHA type */
    return (compare_string((unsigned char*)x, (unsigned char*)y));

static int
#if STDC
check_mixsym(char *x, char *y)
check_mixsym(x, y)
char   *x;
char   *y;
    int     m;
    int     n;

    m = ISDIGIT(x[0]);
    n = ISDIGIT(y[0]);

    if (m && !n)
	return (1);

    if (!m && n)
	return (-1);

    return (strcmp(x, y));

static int
#if STDC
compare_string(unsigned char *a, unsigned char *b)
compare_string(a, b)
unsigned char   *a;
unsigned char   *b;
    int     i = 0;
    int     j = 0;
    int     al;
    int     bl;

    while ((a[i] != NUL) || (b[j] != NUL)) {
	if (a[i] == NUL)
	    return (-1);
	if (b[j] == NUL)
	    return (1);
	if (letter_ordering) {
	    if (a[i] == SPC)
	    if (b[j] == SPC)
	al = TOLOWER(a[i]);
	bl = TOLOWER(b[j]);

	if (al != bl)
	    return (al - bl);
    if (german_sort)
	return (new_strcmp(a, b, GERMAN));
#if (OS_BS2000 | OS_MVSXA)	       /* in EBCDIC 'a' is lower than 'A' */
	return (new_strcmp(a, b, ASCII));
	return (strcmp((char*)a, (char*)b));
#endif				       /* (OS_BS2000 | OS_MVSXA) */

static int
#if STDC
compare_page(FIELD_PTR *a, FIELD_PTR *b)
compare_page(a, b)
    int     m = 0;
    short   i = 0;

    while ((i < (*a)->count) && (i < (*b)->count) &&
	   ((m = (*a)->npg[i] - (*b)->npg[i]) == 0))
    if (m == 0)
    {				/* common leading page numbers match */
	if ((i == (*a)->count) && (i == (*b)->count))
	{			/* all page numbers match */
#if 0	/* Faulty code replaced at 2.11 */
	    /* identical entries, except possibly in encap fields */
	    if (STREQ((*a)->encap, (*b)->encap))
	    {				/* encap fields identical */
		if (((*a)->type != DUPLICATE) &&
		    ((*b)->type != DUPLICATE))
		    (*b)->type = DUPLICATE;

		else if ((*(*a)->encap == idx_ropen) ||
			 (*(*b)->encap == idx_rclose))
		    m = -1;
		else if ((*(*a)->encap == idx_rclose) ||
			 (*(*b)->encap == idx_ropen))
		    m = 1;
	    else		/* encap fields differ */
		if ((*(*a)->encap == idx_ropen) &&
		    (*(*b)->encap == idx_rclose))
		    m = -1;
		else if ((*(*a)->encap == idx_rclose) &&
			 (*(*b)->encap == idx_ropen))
		    m = 1;
		/* else leave m == 0 */
#else	/* new 2.11 code */
	    We have identical entries, except possibly in encap fields.
	    The ordering is tricky here.  Consider the following input
	    sequence of index names, encaps, and page numbers:

		foo|(	2
		foo|)	6
		foo|(	6
		foo|)	10

	    This might legimately occur when a page range ends, and
	    subsequently, a new range starts, on the same page.  If we
	    just order by range_open and range_close (here, parens),
	    then we will produce

		foo|(	2
		foo|(	6
		foo|)	6
		foo|)	10

	    This will later generate the index entry

		foo, 2--6, \({6}, 10

	    which is not only wrong, but has also introduced an illegal
	    LaTeX macro, \({6}, because the merging step treated this
	    like a \see{6} entry.

	    The solution is to preserve the original input order, which
	    we can do by treating range_open and range_close as equal,
	    and then ordering by input line number.  This will then
	    generate the correct index entry

		foo, 2--10

	    Ordering inconsistencies from missing range open or close
	    entries, or mixing roman and arabic page numbers, will be
	    detected later.

#define isrange(c) ( ((c) == idx_ropen) || ((c) == idx_rclose) )

	    /* Order two range values by input line number */

	    if (isrange(*(*a)->encap) && isrange(*(*b)->encap))
		m = (*a)->lc - (*b)->lc;

	    /* Handle identical encap fields; neither is a range delimiter */

	    else if (STREQ((*a)->encap, (*b)->encap))
		/* If neither are yet marked duplicate, mark the second
		of them to be ignored. */
		if (((*a)->type != DUPLICATE) &&
		    ((*b)->type != DUPLICATE))
		    (*b)->type = DUPLICATE;
		/* leave m == 0 to show equality */

	    /* Encap fields differ: only one may be a range delimiter, */
	    /* or else neither of them is.   If either of them is a range */
	    /* delimiter, order by input line number; otherwise, order */
	    /* by name. */

		if ( isrange(*(*a)->encap) || isrange(*(*b)->encap) )
		    m = (*a)->lc - (*b)->lc; /* order by input line number */
		else			/* order non-range items by */
					/* their encap strings */
		    m = compare_string((unsigned char*)((*a)->encap),
				       (unsigned char*)((*b)->encap));
	else if ((i == (*a)->count) && (i < (*b)->count))
	    m = -1;
	else if ((i < (*a)->count) && (i == (*b)->count))
	    m = 1;
    return (m);

static int
#if STDC
new_strcmp(unsigned char *s1, unsigned char *s2, int option)
new_strcmp(s1, s2, option)
unsigned char   *s1;
unsigned char   *s2;
int     option;
    int     i;

    i = 0;
    while (s1[i] == s2[i])
	if (s1[i++] == NUL)
	    return (0);
    if (option)			       /* ASCII */
	return (isupper(s1[i]) ? -1 : 1);
    else			       /* GERMAN */
	return (isupper(s1[i]) ? 1 : -1);