% The \phantatom just processed defines the central empty spot, 
% from which all the bonds spray out; each one of the following 
% \side{...} commands will generate one direction. The rules 
% for \side are explained in chapter 27.3 .
\atom{\tt W}}
\atom{\tt E}}
\atom{\tt S}}
\atom{\tt N}}
\atom{\tt SW}}
\atom{\tt SE}}
\atom{\tt NE}}
\atom{\tt NW}}
\atom{\tt NNW}}
\atom{\tt NNE}}
\atom{\tt SSE}}
\atom{\tt SSW}}
\hskip 1truecm
\atom{\tt WNW}}
\atom{\tt ENE}}
\atom{\tt WSW}}
\atom{\tt ESE}}
\side{\swbelow\atom{\tt SW}}
\side{\sebelow\atom{\tt SE}}
\side{\nebelow\atom{\tt NE}}
\side{\nwbelow\atom{\tt NW}}
\atom{\tt NNW}}
\atom{\tt NNE}}
\atom{\tt SSE}}
\atom{\tt SSW}}
\centerline{\bf Figure~1. \rm All available in-plane and 
out-of-plane bonds.}