Readme for pdfx package (pdfx.sty)

pdfx.sty is a LaTeX package which helps to create PDF/X-1a and
PFD/A-1b compliant pdf documents with pdfTeX.


Create a directory $TEXMF/tex/latex/pdfx and copy pdfx.sty, *.xmp,
glyphtounicode-cmr.tex to this directory.  Update the file database 
of your TeX system.


Composite documentation and code is available in src/pdfx.dtx. Run
TeX/LaTeX on pdfx.ins to extract pdfx.sty from pdfx.dtx.  If you
[pdf]LaTeX pdfx.dtx, you will get pdfx.pdf which is the human readable

A Makefile is provided in the src directory. Following steps will
create the documentation GNU/Linux or similar operating system:

 make pdf
 make out
 make index
 make changes
 make pdf

'make out' is for manipulating the bookmarks file to create QUICK
LINKS in the pdf document.


The package is released under LaTeX Project Public Licence.


CV Radhakrishnan <> and 
Han The Thanh <>