% \iffalse meta-comment
% File: cd.dtx Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastiano Vigna
%   This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
%   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
%   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
%   (at your option) any later version.
%   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%   GNU General Public License for more details.
%   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
%   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
% \fi
% \CheckSum{1028}
%% \CharacterTable
%%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
%%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
%%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
%%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
%%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
%%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
%%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
%%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
%%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
%%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
%%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
% \iffalse
%<class>\ProvidesClass{cd}[2007/10/12 v1.3 CD Cover Class]
\title{A CD Cover Class}
\date{Printed \today}
\author{Sebastiano Vigna}
% \fi
% \changes{v0.0}{1998/06/04}{Created file.}
% \changes{v0.1}{1998/06/15}{New macros for data file handling.}
% \changes{v1.0}{2002/01/10}{Bumped revision number 8^).}
% \changes{v1.1}{2005/09/08}{Added support for slim cases. Better positioning, too.}
% \changes{v1.3}{2007/10/12}{Implemented covergraphics, etc. and .dat/.lst filename from job name}
% \section{Introduction}
% The purpose of this class is to print CD covers. The main design line
% is allowing the creation of labels with minimum effort, without restraining the
% freedom to customise. There is also some support for multiple cover printing.
% Since version 1.1, slim CD boxes are supported.
% Each CD cover is created by a number of commands which set the content
% of the front cover, back cover, track lists etc. After everything is ready,
% additional commands actually generate the covers. This is a very simple example:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \documentclass{cd}
% \begin{document}
% \covertext{
% The Artist\\
% \bfseries The Title
% }
% \leftspine{THE ARTIST}
% \centerspine{THE TITLE}
% \lefttracklist{
% \track Song 1
% \track Song 2
% \track Song 3
% }
% \leftinfo{Words and Music by The Artist}
% \makecover\par
% \makeback\par
% \end{document}
% \end{verbatim}
% By compiling the file above, you will obtain your first CD cover.
% Using |\makeslimcover| instead of |\makecover| and |\makeback|, you
% will obtain a single cover for a slim CD box.
% Equivalently,  you can create a file |CD.dat| containing the lines between
% |\begin{document}| and |\makecover| and compile with 
% \LaTeX\ the file |CD.tex| (or |slimCD.tex|). This is a better mechanism---each CD should
% have its own data (|.dat|) file, which is run through the driver file
% |CD.tex| or the more powerful list mechanism described below.
% This also allows to set some parameters one for all (for instance,
% the font family) in the driver file. My driver file, for instance, is
% as follows (see below for the non-standard commands):
% \begin{verbatim}
% \documentclass[a4paper]{cd}
% \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
% \usepackage{avant}
% \renewcommand\rmdefault{\sfdefault}
% \onecorrection{.2}
% \begin{document}
% \makeCD
% \end{document}
% \end{verbatim}
% The |CD| class loads the |article| class, so commands like |\Large|
% or |\smallskip| are available. However, the |CD| class provides its
% own precise size-switching commands, and for greater accuracy it is
% advisable to use \LaTeX's |\\|\oarg{vspace} mechanism in order to
% generate vertical spacing.
% Note that the class uses heavily the |rotating|
% package, so you must convert the resulting dvi file into PostScript\textregistered,
% or use directly |pdflatex|.
% \section{The Text Commands}
% The content of a CD cover are set using the self-explaining
% |\covertext|, |\backtext|, |\insidetext|, |\leftspine|, |\centerspine|, 
% |\rightspine|,
% |\lefttracklist|, |\righttracklist|, |\leftinfo|
% and |\rightinfo| commands (|\insidetext|, |\leftspine|, |\centerspine| and
% |\rightspine| are ignored for slim covers). Note that by default the material contained in 
% |\covertext|, |\backtext| and |\insidetext| is bottom-aligned, and
% the arguments of the spine commands must not contain line breaks. The left
% and right track lists should use the |\track| command, which inserts a
% |\par| and an automatically numbered box with the track number. Should you
% need to set manually the track number, use |\setindex|\marg{n}. The text
% contained in |\leftinfo| and |\rightinfo| is bottom-aligned just under
% the respective track lists. Note that if the right information or track list box
% is empty, the left one will span across the whole cover.
% By default everything is typeset with
% no justification, and no paragraph indentation. One tenth of the current
% baseline skip is inserted between paragraphs.
% In extreme cases you may want to create different spines (e.g., for R.E.M.'s
% \emph{Fables Of The Reconstruction}); the |\leftspinebis|, |\centerspinebis|
% and |\rightspinebis| commands allows you to insert different content into the
% ``back'' spine.
% \section{The Graphic Commands}
% In the case you want to fill the cover or the inside of your CD with a picture,
% the commands |\covergraphics| and |\insidegraphics| work like |\covertext|
% and |\insidetext|, but they create no border (as opposed to the standard 1\,cm border
% for text).
% \section{The Font Commands}
% The |CD| class provides some simple commands for switching the font
% dimension and line spacing. The command |\fh|\marg{height} sets the
% font height to the given number of points (line spacing is not affected),
% while |\fhb|\marg{height}\marg{baselineskip} sets both the font height
% and the baseline skip (usually 6/5 of the font height will work). Note
% that you can just write |\fh7| in order to switch to a 7 point font, and that
% the |\fhb| command always sets |\parskip| to 1/10 of the 
% current baseline skip, so |\par| will always space a little more than |\\|.
% When you issue a |\newcd| command, all fonts are reset to their default
% values. But there are a number of self-explaining commands, i.e.,
% |\coverfont|, |\backfont|, |\insidefont|, |\spinefont|, |\tracklistfont|, |\infofont|
% and |\indexfont|, that allow to change the font assigned to a part
% of the cover. In fact, they are just one-argument macros
% whose arguments are expanded just before the
% corresponding text commands, and can contain other formatting parameters.
% \section{The Cover Creation Commands}
% Before setting the content of the cover, the |\newcd| command takes care
% of resetting everything to default values. In particular, |\backtext|
% is the same as |\covertext| (unless you change it
% explicitly), so usually you do not need to set the former (note 
% that, of course, this does \emph{not} happen with |\covergraphics|).
% Analogously, |\backfont| is the same as |\coverfont|.
% Once everything is set up, the |\makecover| and |\makeback| commands will
% create a cover and a back cover using the data set so far, whereas the
% |\makeslimcover| will create a slim cover. Both command have
% an optional argument that can contain any of the letters |lrtb| (left,
% right, top, bottom), which create the respective
% crop marks (note that the argument must be enclosed in brackets). The default value is |lrtb|. 
% The possibility of partially eliminating crop marks is particularly 
% useful when stacking several covers in the same sheet.
% It is possible to create a single \LaTeX\ document containing a CD
% cover, but it is usually more useful to create a data file containing all
% |CD|-specific command, and include it from a ``driver'' file, containing
% the |\makeCD| or the |\makeslimCD| command. With no argument, it checks for the existence
% of a \textit{jobname}|.dat| file (where \textit{jobname} is the root of the
% \LaTeX file under compilation---e.g., |CD.dat| when compiling |CD.tex|). 
% If such a file exists, it is input and then the (slim) CD cover is
% generated. Otherwise, the user is asked for a data file name (the |CD| class
% will try automatically to append the |.dat| extension to the name), which
% is read and processed. Of course, the optional argument (which, note again,
% must be enclosed in brackets) can be used to specify a data file name.
% Having a database of data files is particularly useful when using the |\makelist| or the
% |\makeslimlist| commands, which
% process an entire list of CDs, printing one cover (or two
% back covers) per page; the crop marks are suitably aligned so to minimise
% the cutting effort. The CD list must be contained in a list file, one
% data file name per line. With no argument, |\makelist| and |\makeslimlist| check for the existence
% of a |CD.lst| file. If it exists, it is input; otherwise, the user is asked
% for a list file name (the |CD| class
% will try automatically to append the |.lst| extension to the name), which
% is read and processed. Again, the optional argument can be used to
% specify a list file name.
% \section{The Options}
% You can pass to the |CD| class all the options of the |article|
% class (e.g., paper size). Moreover, there are options |aligncovertop|, 
% |aligninsidetop|, |alignbacktop| and |aligntop| (the last one resumes the first
% three ones), and analogously |aligncovercenter|, etc.~that allow to change
% the default alignment behaviour. The |covergraphics| option lets you use
% the entire cover area (instead of a centered 10\,cm$\times$10\,cm square).
% Finally, the |alignspine| option forces
% vertical centring of the spine text
% on the ``real'' height of the box involved,
% rather than on the height of a generic upper case character. This is not usually what you
% want, since, e.g., accents can lead to ugly results. Experiment.
% \section{Getting Obsessed}
% PostScript fonts usually are set up in such a way that the metric
% of all digits is the same, regardless of the actual appearance. This
% (in particular with sans-serif fonts) can lead to a very ugly alignment
% of two-digit track numbers in which either  the first or the last digit is a 1. 
% The solution is to put in the preamble
% a |\onecorrection|\marg{fraction} command: the positioning of two-digit numbers
% either starting or ending with 1 will be corrected by the given fraction
% of the width of a 1. For instance, |\onecorrection{.2}| works great for
% AvantGarde. The values for other fonts must be set by trial-and-error.
% \StopEventually{}
% \section{The Code}
% First of all we manage all options. This is done with a |\newif| for
% |alignspine|, and by defining suitably some macros representing the
% alignment option for the cover, inside and back text. Default is |b|.
% All options we do not process are passed to the |article| class.
%    \begin{macrocode}









%    \end{macrocode}
% Now we load the |article| class and the |rotating| package, which is
% fundamental in typesetting the spine text.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The |\onecorrection| command defines a the fraction used for
% correcting the alignment of 1's. The default is 0.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Now we have all the font and text declaration commands. They
% just define a certain macro to be their argument.
%    \begin{macrocode}



%    \end{macrocode}
% We do not want any |lineskip|, as stacked covers should not be separated by any
% space. Analogously, we want no margins, no indentation and no hyphens. Offsets
% will be set command by each command.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%\advance\textwidth by -3cm
%\advance\textheight by -3cm

%    \end{macrocode} 
% We set the unit for the |picture| environment to 1mm, and prepare a number
% of lengths which will be useful in aligning track numbers and spine text.
% |\squ@re| holds the side length of the square framing the track numbers.
% |\h@nging| is its hanging amount. |\@hstrip| and |\@wstrip| are used when aligning
% the spine. |\winf@| and |\wtr@cklist| are the width of the information and
% tracklist minipages.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode} 
% The |\track| command typesets a hanging framed box with a small number
% inside. The number is given by a counter which is reset to 1 at each
% |\makeback|, and can be changed manually with the |\setindex| command.
% The alignment inside the small box will be corrected for numbers either starting
% or ending with a 1 by the fraction of the width of 1 specified with the
% |\onecorrection| command.
%    \begin{macrocode}

    \expandafter\@tfor \expandafter\@digit 
      \expandafter:\expandafter=\number\value{tr@ckindex}\do {%
            \if 1\@firstdigit
                \if 1\@digit\else
                \if 1\@digit
%    \end{macrocode} 
% We declare some utility commands which allow for easy font dimension
% switch. The |\newcd| command resets to defaults all the fonts and
% the text defaults.
%    \begin{macrocode}



%    \end{macrocode} 
% The following two commands are useful in alignment. The first command
% decides the height and width of a given strip of text, to be inserted
% in the spine. The point is that unless the |alignspine| option has been
% requested, we do not set |\@hstrip|, which has been set previously to
% the maximum height of a capital letter. The |\alignt@baseline| command is
% used at the end of boxes which could be bottom aligned: it eliminates the
% additional height inserted when a box last line has a descendant.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \settowidth{\@wstrip}{\spinef@nt #1}%
        \settoheight{\@hstrip}{\spinef@nt #1}%

%    \end{macrocode} 
% It is now easy to write down the |\makecover| command. It is just a 
% matter of laying out the material, and print the requested crop marks.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \@tfor\cr@pmark := #1 \do {
    \if l\cr@pmark
    \else\if r\cr@pmark
    \else\if b\cr@pmark
    \else\if t\cr@pmark
    \else\if c\cr@pmark

%    \end{macrocode} 
% The |\makeback| command is slightly more complicated, as it must
% set up come values for the |\track| command to work. Moreover, it
% has to check for empty right information or tracklist minipages, as
% in this case the left ones must be enlarged, and it must try to use 
% the text from the cover page if no back text has been specified.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\settoheight{\@hstrip}{\spinef@nt ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ}%
    \@tfor\cr@pmark := #1 \do {
    \if l\cr@pmark
    \else\if r\cr@pmark
    \else\if b\cr@pmark
    \else\if t\cr@pmark
    \else\if c\cr@pmark



















%    \end{macrocode} 
% The |\makeslimcover| command is essentially a mix of the previous two, as a single slim
% cover must contain the front matter and the track lists. Note that we have much less space.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\settoheight{\@hstrip}{\spinef@nt ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ}%
    \@tfor\cr@pmark := #1 \do {
    \if l\cr@pmark
    \else\if r\cr@pmark
    \else\if b\cr@pmark
    \else\if t\cr@pmark
    \else\if c\cr@pmark






%    \end{macrocode} 
% Finally, we have the high-level commands that allow to produce
% one or several CD from data files, |\makeCD|, |\makelist|, |\makeslimCD| and |\makeslimlist|.
% All have an additional argument for the file name, defaulting
% to |\jobname.dat| or |\jobname.lst|. 
% Two separate commands factor out the checks and the user interaction in case the file
% is not specified or does not exist.
% A data file must contain only text declaration commands from the
% |CD| class. All \LaTeX{} stuff (preamble, etc.) and cover generation
% commands are handled automatically. A list file must contain a number
% of lines, each containing a data file name.
%    \begin{macrocode}
        \typein[\CDname]{Please insert CD data file name:}%
        \ClassError{cd}{CD data file (\CDname.dat or \CDname) not found}{}%






        \typein[\CDlistname]{Please insert CD list file name:}
            \ClassError{cd}{CD list (\CDlistname.lst or \CDlistname) not found}{}%

\immediate\read\CDlist to \CDname
\@whilesw \ifne@f \fi {%
            \ClassError{cd}{CD data file (\CDname.dat or \CDname) not found}{}%
    \immediate\read\CDlist to \CDname

\immediate\read\CDlist to \CDname
\@whilesw \ifne@f \fi {%
            \ClassError{cd}{CD data file (\CDname.dat or \CDname) not found}{}%
    \immediate\read\CDlist to \CDname

%    \end{macrocode}
% \Finale