%% This is file `ed.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% ed.dtx  (with options: `package')
\ProvidesPackage{ed}[2007/10/03 v1.3 Editorial Notes]
\def\ed@foot#1#2#3% text, type, label
{{\scshape{#2}\if\test\empty\else\label{ed:#3}[{#3}]\fi:} \ednoteshape #1}}
\def\Ed@note#1#2#3% text, type, label
\def\ed@note#1#2#3% text, type, label
\def\new@part#1#2#3% text, mess, start
\def\endnew@part#1% end
\newenvironment{Newpart}[1]{\new@part{#1}{New Part}{BegNP}}{}
\newenvironment{newpart}[1]{\new@part{#1}{New Part}{BegNP}}{\endnew@part{EndNP}}
\newenvironment{Oldpart}[1]{\new@part{#1}{Old Part}{BegOP}}{}
\newenvironment{oldpart}[1]{\new@part{#1}{Old Part}{BegOP}}{\endnew@part{EndOP}}
\def\Todolist#1{% the comment
\ifshowednotes\message{todolist!}{{\sffamily To Do: #1}}\bgroup\sffamily\begin{itemize}%
\def\todolist#1{\ifshowednotes\marginpar{{\sffamily ToDo}}\Todolist{#1}\fi}
\typeout{There are still \arabic{ednote} EdNotes and Issues to resolve!}%
\long\def\edexplanation{\todolist{we will use the ednote system to communicate}
\item use the {\tt{\char92ednote\char123author: some explanatory text\char125}}
  like a footnote to say what you have done or what should still be
  done\ednote{MiKo: this is an example of an ednote}. Ednotes are numbered and
  marked in the margin for easy recognition.
\item use the {\tt{\char92issue\char123author: explanation of the
      issue\char125}} variant of ednote for issues\issue{this is an example of
    an issue} that still have to be discussed.
\item finally, the {\tt{todolist}} environment is a list environment that can be
  used to mark up todo lists. This explanation is an example of a todo list, it
  is inserted into the text in a different font.
\item the {\tt{newpart}} environment can be used to mark up changed text blocks.
  {\tt{\char92begin\char123newpart\char125}} takes an argument that is
  interpreted as a comment and is treated like an {\tt{\char92ednote}} comment.
\item the {\tt{oldpart}} environment is similar to {\tt{newpart}} but is used
  for old parts of text copied from another document that still need to be
  changed in a document.
\item putting the macro {\tt{\char92ednotemessage}} just before the
  {\tt{char92end\char123document\char125}} will generate a message with
  cardinality information for the ednotes into the log file.
\item all of these text decorations and meta-annotations are only inserted into
  the text, if the {\tt{show}} package option in the {\tt{\char92 usepackage}}
  directive in the preamble of the document is set: {\tt{\char92
      usepackage[show]\char123ed\char125}} will show the decorations, while
  {\tt{\char92 usepackage\char123ed\char125}} will not. This is useful for
  preparing ``clean'' version for outside consumption without loosing the
  management metadata.
%% End of file `ed.sty'.