TeX Macro Enhancements for EPM 5.51a and EPM 6

                           EPMTeX Standard Version  3.1
                             EPMTeX Pro Version  3.1

                            Installation/Upgrade Notes

                                   Jon Hacker
                                  Rodney Korte

                                 September 1995

License Agreement:
You agree to abide by the license agreement contained in the on-line help
of epmtex.exe if you choose to install or use the EPMTeX macro package.

 Section 1:  What is EPMTeX and this new EPMTeX Pro?
             (a brief synopsis of what it can do)

 Section 2:  Easy installation of EPMTeX 3.1 (standard version)
             (how to get going as fast and easily as possible)

 Appendix A: Removing a previous version of EPMTeX
             (how to remove an old version before upgrading)

 Appendix B: Compiling in the EPMTeX Macros.
             (an alternative more complicated way to install)

 Appendix C: Disclaimer
             (Hey, you get what you pay for!)


Section 1: What is EPMTeX, and this new EPMTeX Pro?
~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
EPMTeX is a sophisticated *free* macro package that integrates the TeX
typesetting system with the IBM enhanced editor EPM for OS/2.  The
EPMTeX macro suite adds a TeX pull down menu to the EPM menu bar, and
includes a PM style notebook program for configuration of the package.

Menu items in the TeX pull down menu allow the user to TeX (with any
format, e.g.  LaTeX), jump to errors in the TeX source, preview
(portrait and landscape), and print (portrait and landscape) the TeX
file currently active in EPM.  Custom 'user' modes may also be defined
for special needs unique to the user.

Due to popular demand, the standard edition of EPMTeX now comes
precompiled.  The version of EPM shipped with OS/2 is all that is
required to run EPMTeX.  It is no longer necessary to obtain the EPM
macro compiler from IBM to add the core EPMTeX features.  Consequently,
installation is now greatly simplified.

EPMTeX Pro... what is this?

EPMTeX was substantially rewritten to allow it to be distributed
precompiled.  In the process, some existing features were removed due to
limitations in what can be done with a precompiled EPM macro.  Users of
earlier versions of EPMTeX may not wish to give up these features,
particularly if they are comfortable compiling macros for EPM.  For this
reason, a Pro version of the macro package is also provided.  The Pro
version does *not* come precompiled and is not recommended for novice
users.  Its installation is complicated, requires the complete EPM macro
compiler from IBM, and does not offer much more than the standard
version anyway.  It is provided solely as a comfort to our longtime
EPMTeX users.

The Pro version offers the following (minor) extra things over the
standard version:

    - The format and orientation can be chosen from either the settings
      notebook (as per the standard version) or from the EPM TeX menu.
    - The EPM TeX menu items get enabled/disabled (greyed out) as
      appropriate.  For example, if the dvi file does not exist, the
      preview and print functions will be greyed out in the menu.
    - Access to the macro source code should you wish to dabble in
      a little customization of the package.

If you wish to use EPMTeX Pro, unzip the file TeXpro.zip included with
EPMTeX 3.1 and follow the installation instructions contained in the
file readme.pro.  

We recommend most users stick with the simpler precompiled EPMTeX 
Standard version, as it is much easier to install.


Section 2: Easy Installation Procedure (Standard version)
~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   (see also the on-line help in epmtex.exe)

NOTE: Users of older versions of EPMTeX will first have to
      expunge the old EPMTeX files before installing the new
      version. Refer to Appendix A for further instructions.

a) Unzip the EPMTeX files into a convenient directory.

b) Copy tex.ex and profile.erx to a directory that
   is specified in either EPMPATH or PATH so that EPM can
   find them.  Most *.EX files are in the \OS2\APPS directory.

NOTE: For people using EPM version 6, you need to unzip the tex.ex
      file from v60x.zip to replace the tex.ex that is the
      default (v5.51a).

c) Copy bpmcc.dll to any directory in your LIBPATH.  Copy
   epmtex.exe and epmtex.hlp anywhere to your liking, it doesn't
   matter where, but keep them together.

d) Run epmtex.exe and fill in the notebook to describe your local TeX
   environment.  Refer to the on-line help for further information.

e) Now you are ready to use the EPMTeX.  There are a couple of
   ways to tell EPM to load the tex.ex file (see also Appendix B).
   The  simplest is to use the REXX profile file 'profile.erx'
   supplied with EPMTeX.  EPM will automatically 'run' this file
   when it starts, creating a way to customize EPM without recompiling
   the epm macro files.

   Start EPM.  If the TeX menu is not visible, then you need
   to enable the REXX profile support.  Type ctrl -i  to open the EPM
   command window.  Type the command 'profile on' (no quotes).  Then
   select the 'Save Options' command in the pull-down EPM menu.

NOTE: For people using EPM version 6, enable REXX profile support by
      opening the EPM settings notebook and check the 'REXX profile'
      option on the Misc page.

f) Exit EPM and restart.  The TeX menu should be visible now.  Load a
   TeX file and test it out!


APPENDIX A:   Removing a previous EPMTeX Version

To install over a previous version of EPMTeX you will need to first
purge the old EPMTeX files from your system.

a) Remove the old EPMTeX version from your epm files:

  1) Delete the EPMTeX part of Mymnuini.e
  2) Delete the EPMTeX part of Mykeyset.e (if any)
  3) Delete the EPMTeX part of Mykeys.e (if any)
  4) Delete the EPMTeX part of Mystuff.e (if any)
  5) Delete the EPMTeX constants from Mycnf.e  (This is optional
     but the constants are no longer used)
  6) delete the old tex.ex (if any)

b) Recompile (version 6 users can skip the extra.e recompile)
   etpm epm
   etpm extra

c) Now you should have a plain version of EPM, like
   it was before you installed EPMTeX.  Try running EPM
   and make sure the TeX menu is gone.


APPENDIX B:   Compiling in the EPMTeX Macros.

   Another way to link in the tex.ex file is to edit your mystuff.e file.
   This is more work because it requires recompiling your EPM macros. In
   fact, if you're going to go to this much bother, you might as well
   just install the full blown EPMTeX Pro version.  But for those people
   who want to do it anyway, add the following lines to mystuff.e

     'linkverify tex'

   Now recompile (version 6 users can skip the extra.e recompile)

   etpm epm
   etpm extra

   This will cause tex.ex to be linked in automatically whenever
   you start EPM.  You can delete the EPMTeX portion of your profile.erx
   file if you use this method since it is no longer needed.


APPENDIX C: Disclaimer:

We are by no means experts on programming the EPM enhanced editor.  While these
TeX enhancements have been fairly thoroughly tested, there could easily be
oversights on our parts that result in problems for some configurations of EPM.
If you think you have found a genuine bug, or would like to make suggestions,
contributions, or enhancements to this code please drop one of us a note.
Since we have released this code without charge, we cannot offer a warranty
or customer support.  Everything you need to get going should be available
in the EPMTeX package and the IBM supplied EPM documentation.

Jon Hacker
INTERNET: hacker@patagonia.bellcore.com

Rodney Korte
Penn State, State College, PA
INTERNET: korte@sabine.psu.edu