system environment/daemons

opensm - OpenIB InfiniBand Subnet Manager and management utilities

License: GPLv2 or BSD
Vendor: Scientific Linux CERN,
OpenSM is the OpenIB project's Subnet Manager for Infiniband networks.
The subnet manager is run as a system daemon on one of the machines in
the infiniband fabric to manage the fabric's routing state.  This package
also contains various tools for diagnosing and testing Infiniband networks
that can be used from any machine and do not need to be run on a machine
running the opensm daemon.


opensm-3.3.13-1.el6.i686 [493 KiB] Changelog by Doug Ledford (2012-02-28):
- Update to latest upstream release
- Add patch to support specifying subnet_prefix on command lien
- Update init script to pass unique subnet_prefix's when using the GUID
  method of starting multiple instances
- Fix up LSB init script headers
- Resolves: bz754196

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6