Letter A
Packages beginning with letter "A".
- acl - Access control list utilities.
- acpid - ACPI Event Daemon
- afs_tools - AFS related tools
- aide - Intrusion detection environment
- alsa-lib - The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) library.
- alsa-lib-devel - Static libraries and header files from the ALSA library.
- alsa-utils - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) utilities
- amanda - A network-capable tape backup solution.
- amanda-client - The client component of the AMANDA tape backup system.
- amanda-devel - Libraries and documentation of the AMANDA tape backup system.
- amanda-server - The server side of the AMANDA tape backup system.
- amqp - The AMQP specification
- anaconda - Graphical system installer
- anaconda-runtime - Graphical system installer portions needed only for fresh installs.
- apr - Apache Portable Runtime library
- apr-devel - APR library development kit
- apr-docs - Documentation for the Apache Portable Runtime library
- apr-util - Apache Portable Runtime Utility library
- apr-util-devel - APR utility library development kit
- apr-util-docs - Documentation for the Apache Portable Runtime Utility library
- arc - arc - authenticated remote command
- arc-server - arc - server side
- arpwatch - Network monitoring tools for tracking IP addresses on a network.
- aspell-nl - Dutch dictionaries for Aspell
- at - Job spooling tools.
- audispd-plugins - Plugins for the audit event dispatcher
- audit - User space tools for 2.6 kernel auditing
- audit-libs - Dynamic library for libaudit
- audit-libs-devel - Header files and static library for libaudit
- audit-libs-python - Python bindings for libaudit
- authconfig - Command line tool for setting up authentication from network services
- authconfig-gtk - Graphical tool for setting up authentication from network services
- authd - a RFC 1413 ident protocol daemon
- autofs - A tool for automatically mounting and unmounting filesystems.
- avahi - Local network service discovery
- avahi-compat-howl - Libraries for howl compatibility.
- avahi-compat-howl-devel - Header files for development with the howl compatibility libraries.
- avahi-compat-libdns_sd - Libraries for Apple Bonjour mDNSResponder compatibility.
- avahi-compat-libdns_sd-devel - Header files for development with the Apple Bonjour mDNSResponder compatibility libraries.
- avahi-devel - Libraries and header files for avahi development
- avahi-glib - Glib libraries for avahi
- avahi-glib-devel - Libraries and header files for avahi glib development
- avahi-qt3 - Qt3 libraries for avahi
- avahi-qt3-devel - Libraries and header files for avahi Qt3 development
- avahi-tools - Tools for mDNS browsing and publishing