Letter G
Packages beginning with letter "G".
- Global_File_System-as-IN - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-bn-IN - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-de-DE - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-en-US - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-es-ES - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-fr-FR - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-gu-IN - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-hi-IN - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-it-IT - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-ja-JP - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-kn-IN - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-ko-KR - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-ml-IN - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-mr-IN - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-or-IN - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-pa-IN - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-pt-BR - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-ru-RU - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-si-LK - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-ta-IN - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-te-IN - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-zh-CN - Red Hat Global File System
- Global_File_System-zh-TW - Red Hat Global File System
- gail - Accessibility implementation for GTK+ and GNOME libraries
- gail-devel - Files to compile applications that use GAIL
- gcc - Various compilers (C, C++, Objective-C, Java, ...)
- gcc-c++ - C++ support for GCC
- gcc-gfortran - Fortran 95 support
- gcc-gnat - Ada 95 support for GCC
- gcc-java - Java support for GCC
- gcc-objc - Objective-C support for GCC
- gcc-objc++ - Objective-C++ support for GCC
- gcc43 - Preview of GCC version 4.3
- gcc43-c++ - C++ support for GCC version 4.3 preview
- gcc43-gfortran - Fortran 95 support version 4.3 preview
- gcc44 - Preview of GCC version 4.4
- gcc44-c++ - C++ support for GCC version 4.4
- gcc44-gfortran - Fortran support for GCC 4.4 preview
- gd - A graphics library for quick creation of PNG or JPEG images
- gd-devel - The development libraries and header files for gd
- gd-progs - Utility programs that use libgd
- gdb - A GNU source-level debugger for C, C++, Java and other languages
- gdm - The GNOME Display Manager.
- gdm-docs - GDM Documentation
- gfs-utils - Utilities for managing the global filesystem (GFS)
- gfs2-utils - Utilities for managing the global filesystem (GFS)
- ghostscript - A PostScript(TM) interpreter and renderer.
- ghostscript-devel - Files for developing applications that use ghostscript.
- ghostscript-gtk - A GTK-enabled PostScript(TM) interpreter and renderer.
- giflib - Library for manipulating GIF format image files
- giflib-devel - Development tools for programs which will use the libungif library
- giflib-utils - Programs for manipulating GIF format image files
- gimp-print - A collection of high-quality printer drivers.
- gimp-print-cups - CUPS drivers for Canon, Epson, HP and compatible printers
- gimp-print-devel - Files for developing applications that use gimp-print.
- gimp-print-plugin - GIMP plug-in for gimp-print
- gimp-print-utils - Utility programs from gimp-print
- glib2 - A library of handy utility functions
- glib2-devel - The GIMP ToolKit (GTK+) and GIMP Drawing Kit (GDK) support library
- glibc - The GNU libc libraries.
- glibc-common - Common binaries and locale data for glibc
- glibc-devel - Object files for development using standard C libraries.
- glibc-headers - Header files for development using standard C libraries.
- glibc-utils - Development utilities from GNU C library
- glx-utils - GLX utilities
- gnbd - GFS's Network Block Device
- gnome-games - GNOME games
- gnome-pilot - GNOME pilot programs
- gnome-pilot-devel - GNOME pilot libraries, includes, etc
- gnome-power-manager - GNOME Power Manager
- gnome-python2-applet - Python bindings for GNOME Panel applets.
- gnome-python2-desktop - The sources for additional PyGNOME Python extension modules for the GNOME desktop
- gnome-python2-gnomedesktop - Python bindings for interacting with gnome-desktop
- gnome-python2-gnomekeyring - Python bindings for interacting with gnome-keyring
- gnome-python2-gnomeprint - Python bindings for interacting with libgnomeprint
- gnome-python2-gtksourceview - Python bindings for interacting with the gtksourceview library
- gnome-python2-libgtop2 - Python bindings for interacting with libgtop
- gnome-python2-libwnck - Python bindings for interacting with libwnck
- gnome-python2-metacity - Python bindings for interacting with metacity
- gnome-python2-nautilus-cd-burner - Python bindings for interacting with nautilus-cd-burner
- gnome-python2-rsvg - Python bindings for interacting with librsvg
- gnome-python2-totem - Python bindings for interacting with totem
- gnome-session - GNOME session manager
- gnome-spell - Bonobo component for spell checking
- gnome-terminal - GNOME Terminal
- gnome-vfs2 - The GNOME virtual file-system libraries
- gnome-vfs2-devel - Libraries and include files for developing GNOME VFS applications
- gnome-vfs2-smb - Windows fileshare support for gnome-vfs
- gnupg - A GNU utility for secure communication and data storage.
- gnupg2 - Utility for secure communication and data storage
- gnuplot - A program for plotting mathematical expressions and data.
- gnuplot-emacs - Emacs bindings for the gnuplot main application
- gnutls - A TLS protocol implementation.
- gnutls-devel - Development files for the gnutls package.
- gnutls-utils - Command line tools for TLS protocol.
- graphviz - Graph Visualization Tools
- graphviz-devel - Development package for graphviz
- graphviz-doc - PDF and HTML documents for graphviz
- graphviz-gd - Graphviz plugin for renderers based on gd
- graphviz-graphs - Demo graphs for graphviz
- graphviz-guile - Guile extension for graphviz
- graphviz-java - Java extension for graphviz
- graphviz-perl - Perl extension for graphviz
- graphviz-php - PHP extension for graphviz
- graphviz-python - Python extension for graphviz
- graphviz-ruby - Ruby extension for graphviz
- graphviz-tcl - Tcl extension & tools for graphviz
- grep - The GNU versions of grep pattern matching utilities.
- gstreamer - GStreamer streaming media framework runtime
- gstreamer-devel - Libraries/include files for GStreamer streaming media framework
- gstreamer-plugins-base - GStreamer streaming media framework base plug-ins
- gstreamer-plugins-base-devel - GStreamer Base Plugins Development files
- gstreamer-plugins-good - GStreamer plug-ins with good code and licensing
- gstreamer-plugins-good-devel - Documentation for GStreamer Good Plug-ins
- gstreamer-tools - common tools and files for GStreamer streaming media framework
- gtk-vnc - A GTK widget for VNC clients
- gtk-vnc-devel - Libraries, includes, etc. to compile with the gtk-vnc library
- gtk-vnc-python - Python bindings for the gtk-vnc library
- gzip - The GNU data compression program.