Letter O
Packages beginning with letter "O".
- ORBit2 - A high-performance CORBA Object Request Broker
- ORBit2-devel - Development libraries, header files and utilities for ORBit
- OpenIPMI - OpenIPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) library and tools
- OpenIPMI-devel - The development environment for the OpenIPMI project.
- OpenIPMI-gui - IPMI graphical user interface tool
- OpenIPMI-libs - The OpenIPMI runtime libraries
- OpenIPMI-perl - OpenIPMI Perl language bindings
- OpenIPMI-python - OpenIPMI Python language bindings
- OpenIPMI-tools - OpenIPMI utilities and scripts from ipmitool
- ofed-docs - OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution documentation
- openafs - OpenAFS distributed filesystem
- openafs-client - OpenAFS Filesystem Client
- openafs-compat - OpenAFS client compatibility symlinks
- openafs-devel - OpenAFS Development Libraries and Headers
- openafs-kernel-source - OpenAFS Kernel Module source tree
- openafs-kpasswd - OpenAFS KA kpasswd support
- openafs-krb5 - OpenAFS programs to use with krb5
- openafs-server - OpenAFS Filesystem Server
- openais - The openais Standards-Based Cluster Framework executive and APIs
- openais-devel - The openais Standards-Based Cluster Framework libraries
- openhpi - openhpi Hardware Platform Interface (HPI) library and tools
- openhpi-devel - The development environment for the openhpi project
- openhpi-libs - The system libraries for the openhpi project
- openhpi-subagent - The openhpi snmp subagent
- openib - OpenIB Infiniband Driver Stack
- openib-mstflint - Mellanox firmware burning tool
- openib-perftest - IB Performance tests
- openib-tvflash - Tool to manage Mellanox HCA firmware flash memory
- openldap - The configuration files, libraries, and documentation for OpenLDAP.
- openldap-clients - Client programs for OpenLDAP.
- openldap-devel - OpenLDAP development libraries and header files.
- openldap-servers - OpenLDAP servers and related files.
- openldap-servers-overlays - Overlays for OpenLDAP server.
- openldap-servers-sql - OpenLDAP server SQL support module.
- openmotif - Open Motif runtime libraries and executables.
- openmotif-devel - Open Motif development libraries and header files.
- openmpi - Open Message Passing Interface
- openmpi-devel - Development files for openmpi
- openmpi-libs - Libraries used by openmpi programs
- opensm - OpenIB InfiniBand Subnet Manager and management utilities
- opensm-devel - Development files for the opensm-libs libraries
- opensm-libs - Libraries used by opensm and included utilities
- opensm-static - Static version of the opensm libraries
- openssh - The OpenSSH implementation of SSH protocol versions 1 and 2
- openssh-askpass - A passphrase dialog for OpenSSH and X
- openssh-clients - The OpenSSH client applications
- openssh-server - The OpenSSH server daemon
- openssl - The OpenSSL toolkit
- openssl-devel - Files for development of applications which will use OpenSSL
- openssl-perl - Perl scripts provided with OpenSSL
- openssl097a - The OpenSSL toolkit
- openswan - Openswan IPSEC implementation
- openswan-doc - Openswan IPSEC full documentation
- oprofile - System wide profiler
- oprofile-devel - Header files and libraries for developing apps which will use oprofile.
- oprofile-gui - GUI for oprofile.
- oprofile-jit - Libraries required for profiling Java and other JITed code
- oscilloscope - Generic graphical signal plotting tool